Principal's Report
Acting Principal
- Mrs Sue Simadri
Dear Westall Secondary College Community,
We recently received our 2019 NAPLAN results, which are very positive, and show remarkable relative growth in Year 9 for Reading and Writing! Despite national trends, we have improved in the Writing domain. Reading is slightly down from 2018, but still better then the 2017 data. Overall, the growth in our matched cohort from Year 7 to Year 9, is higher than state and national means in ALL 5 domains of NAPLAN.
We are very pleased with these results and have shared them with staff. The data will be unpacked in greater depth to inform our future planning. Although we are still in the implementation phase and staff continue to master delivery, this data gives us confidence that EDI, our Instructional Model, is having a real impact!
We had a Welcome Night two weeks ago for next year’s Year 7 students. This was extremely well attended. The official Grade 6 Orientation Day across the state is Tuesday, 10th December. We will have 4 classes again in 2020.
Following rigorous course selection earlier this term, we are in the process of preparing the 2020 timetable, based on student selections, and hence, considering staffing requirements. A few of the leadership jobs are currently being finalised. Gaps in the teaching and learning programs will continue to be filled as we progress into Term 4.
Term 3 Progress Reports will be available to students and parents very soon. Parent-Teacher Interviews for Year 7-10 students is next week on Tuesday, 17th September, from 3 to 6pm. We look forward to seeing families come along to our final PT session for 2019. Well done to all families for your positive response to Compass online bookings! Please be aware that students will be dismissed at 2:30pm.
The Senior School is preparing a September holiday revision program for students completing Year 12 studies; this will include revision sessions and/or practice exams. Students wishing to attend revision lectures at Monash, will also be supported by the sub-school. We hope that students take up every one of such opportunities they are offered, as it can only assist them to prepare as well as they can for their final examinations.
Please note the change of date for the Year 12 Graduation – Thursday, 28th November. Venue to be advised. Student leaders brought the issue to the table, requesting the change due to many international students not being around in December. This is a great example of students participating in decision-making at the school level!
The iCreate Singing, Dance and Drama students presented two brilliant performances of the school production, Little Shop of Horrors, last week. I am sure those who were fortunate enough to go along and watch the show, would agree that the small group of students produced a truly sensational outcome! Congratulations to Ms Maggie and her team for their hard work and commitment over the last few months in preparing for this event.
Last day of term is next Friday, 20th September; students will be dismissed at 2:30pm. First day back Term 4 is Monday, 7th October, for a 9am start. A reminder that students must be in summer uniform next term.
Wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday!
Mrs Sue Simadri