
It’s been fabulous that so many students are completing their Japanese tasks as part of their remote learning. Well done! Hopefully you’ve been having some fun with the activities while learning.
The learning tasks in Japanese are designed to be simple and achievable for students to complete at home, requiring minimal support from parents. I am aware that parents may not be overly familiar with Japanese language and culture and therefore may have concerns about assisting their students in this subject area. Please don’t worry, and contact me at any time for any questions or assistance related to your Japanese learning: narelle.sullivan@education.vic.gov.au
We are aware that some students are having difficulty accessing tasks through google. We are following this up with our technicians and hopefully this can be resolved soon. Opening in safari or through the web seems to work rather than the app. We really do appreciate your patience and perseverance with this.
Specialist teachers are attaching our weekly task sheets to the learning tasks as a PDF document as well, so hopefully this will work if the links are playing up.
Some other reminders and answers to common questions we are receiving:
- Students may complete specialist tasks at any stage throughout the week. Some families with multiple children at school are having “theme / subject” days and complete their specialist subjects on the same day, together.
- The weekly webex check in time with the specialists is for students to ask any questions they have related to the tasks.
- Specialist teachers will not be seeking submissions of work every week from every student. Check the “teacher check in” box carefully each week as it will tell you if submissions are required that week for your year level.
- The student workbook will be part of the record of work during the period of remote learning - please use the pages of your Japanese book for all tasks related to Japanese learning.
- Students may like to take some photos of their work and save in a special folder on their device as a record of their learning or to show us when school resumes. However, this does not need to be sent to us unless a request is made that week.
A lot of students submitted some photos of their home-made hinomaru (Japanese flags) from our learning task last week. What a clever and creative bunch you are! I hope you enjoy looking through some of the flags here as much as I did. Well done everyone!