Fun in One

Edie 1A
I have enjoyed learning from home, playing race to 100 with mum and doing reading eggs.
Cooper 1B
My first week of remote learning has been good so far. We had some problems with getting our devices to work to start with but now I have the hang of it. It is really nice to spend extra time with my family (especially my Dad who is working from home) and I love doing Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Mum also lets us have a "lunch order", we just have to let her know at snack time. I really miss Ms Joy and my school friends.
Carter 1C
The thing I miss most about school is seeing my teacher and my mates.
Liam 1D
This is my space. It’s so good because I have my own little grey chair. I like learning at home because I get to be with my family.