Engagement and Wellbeing

Families Experiencing Troubles
COVID-19 has arguably been one of the most significant changes that our community has faced in recent history. Significant and rapid changes like we are experiencing, the constant media coverage and economical impacts are affecting many of us as we try to navigate our way through uncharted territory. Whether this be difficulty in getting your child online with remote learning, or significant changes to your work life, we wanted to let everyone know that we’re here for you and your children.
We understand that many people are finding ways to cope with change. Many are juggling work commitments, finding new ways to live and modifying their approaches to social aspects of their lives. Please rest assured, we don’t want to add to that stress. We don’t expect parents to be teachers and we don’t expect that you ‘homeschool’ your children. If your day goes pear-shaped (for whatever reason), there will be no judgement from this end. Simply let us know that you’ve had troubles by contacting your classroom teacher. Most likely, they’ll give you a call and see if they can work with you to get online the next day. It’ll all be ok.
Should your family be experiencing significant difficulties, please explain this to your child’s classroom teacher, who may be able to help or refer your situation onto a principal in confidence.
Below is also a list of key contacts during this time.
Additionally, BeyondBlue have a terrific mental health campaign with support resources available at:
Perseverance - The Learning Pit
Late last term, we shared the ‘Learning Pit’ by James Nottingham with our community. As many of you would agree we have been in the pit during COVID-19 and as a community have had to do a vast amount of problem solving. Whilst this has been difficult, it may be worth sharing with your children to help support them to understand that learning is life-long and that we can all go through times like this, where we are thrust into the pit.
To finish off the conversation, although it may be hard, take time to think of some of the good that has come out of this situation. Consider whether you are spending more time with each other? Are you going for more walks and exercise? Have you rekindled a love of cooking or gardening? Whatever they may be, and we know they exist, taking stock of this and reflecting on the good can be one way you can support your child’s (and your own) mental focus and health during this time.
Is there…
Broadcast for Friday
We too are in the ‘Learning Pit’ and have learned a lot from our video-conferencing and what could be improved as we go forward with future broadcasts. Whilst last week saw a few students exploring the features on their devices during our broadcast (most of them accidentally), we have found a way to limit which screens, images and microphones can be viewed/heard for this week.
With a focus primarily on ANZAC Day for this broadcast, we were also hoping that some families may be able to share a picture of something that they have been cooking at home in an attempt to support connections across our community. Please see example below and if you can take part, please email you photo to Scott at scott.mcglynn@education.vic.gov.au
To connect to this week’s broadcast:
Keep an eye out on Compass later on this week for a meeting link and room number.
Enter this in at the published time of the broadcast.
For families experiencing difficulties connecting in the Webex Meetings, you will be able to chat directly to one of our IT staff who will be able to help.
Following on from the broadcast, if you would like to explore some ANZAC activities with your children, please visit:
There are a heap of resources from understanding the history, to making craft and cooking ANZAC biscuits.