
Sustainability Calendar:
- 22 April – Earth Day
- 5 June – World Environment Day
- 9 September - Kids Teaching Kids
- 9-15 November – National Recycling Week
Earth Day
Every year on 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated around the world in over 192 countries. But this annual event is much more than a celebration – it’s an important day to raise awareness about looking after the environment.
If we want to keep our planet clean and safe for years to come, we need to reduce the amount of pollution we produce and fight against climate change. That’s why on Earth Day, over a billion people take part in activities to make the world a healthier place – from conferences and street marches, to art displays and beach clean-ups!
We got ourselves off to a positive start last term with our recycling and waste management. With things a little bit different than we planned, the sustainability team thought during this time at home we can make the most of the opportunity to really get out, explore and learn to appreciate the nature around us. So our focus for the next term will be ‘Learning and Appreciating our Environment’.
Get Educated:
Check out some interesting information about our wonderful country.
Get Exploring:
Costa and Junior Landcare are running a ‘What’s in Your Backyard’ campaign where you can get involved. Check it out and get exploring. Make sure you send through your entry to Ms Morris ( so we can share with the rest of the school what our community is up to.
Introducing Colgate Community Garden - - Oral Recycling Competition!!! Please collect these at home and bring them into our collection box is in the front office when school returns. Don’t forget to ask friends, family and colleagues to do the same.
Ideas for home:
- Collect bottle caps (milk bottle style) to drop them off to 405 Scott St (when they reopen). They are collecting for Envision who will help turn them into prosthetic limbs.
- Collect bread tags to drop them off to 405 Scott St (when they reopen). They are collecting them Breadtags for Wheelchairs.
- Collect your oral waste and drop it into the box near the front office as part of the Colgate Community Garden program to recycle this waste and give the school a chance to win some great prizes. Don’t forget to vote for our school and help us earn extra points.