Learning in M24

Middle School M24 Howlett is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Learning time:

In writing, students have been focusing on writing narratives.  They have been learning about characters, settings, problems and solutions.   Students have also included a moral in their story! We’ve also explored the structure of a narrative, ensuring we include a beginning, middle and an end.

Our theme for this unit has been ‘Through the Doorway’.   Students get to be creative in that they decide what their story is about, however, they must include an event within their story involving a door.   Students could think about:

  • What is behind the door?
  • Where is the door?
  • Is this door locked?
  • What happens when it is opened or closed?

M24 have done a wonderful job coming up with ideas for their door and how it will link with their story.  This week is our final week on narratives and students will be publishing and ready to share their final product.


In reading,  M24 has focused on the understanding of sequence.  This has involved looking for keywords within a text to identify the order of events in which they have happened.  This has linked nicely with writing to ensure their stories are written in sequential order.


In maths, M24 have been focusing on addition and are now moving on to subtraction.  We have been learning about addition strategies we can use to mentally solve problems, such as the jump strategy, make to 10 and the split strategy.   We have also been learning about the addition algorithm to solve more difficult problems with larger numbers.