From the Principal's Desk

Remember to purchase your tickets to school community event at Funtopia on Friday 14th September from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Funds raised from this event will support Mr Anthony Hyde during this very difficult time.
Raffle tickets purchased, together with the money, need to be returned to the office by Thursday 13th September. We have wonderful prizes on offer:
1st Prize: Apple iPad (Valued at $599)
2nd Prize: Cafe Terroni Restaurant Voucher (Valued at $150)
(Kindly donated by St Augustine's School Yarraville)
3rd Prize: Sun Theatre Voucher (Valued at $100)
4th Prize: Book Hamper (Valued at $75)
Learning Conferences
As part of our Reporting and Assessment processes, the second of our formal Learning Conferences (Parent Teacher Interviews) will be held on Wednesday 19th September between 2:00pm and 8:00pm. These interviews are important in the partnership between parent and school regarding the education of your child.
To facilitate the Learning Conferences all children finish at 1:00pm on Wednesday 19th September.
The Learning Conferences will provide the opportunity to celebrate achievement and discuss progress regarding learning goals as expressed in your child’s written report in June. Your child’s portfolio will be given to you during the Learning Conference.
The meetings will be scheduled every 12 minutes. We understand that in some special cases a longer time will be required and if this is the case, you are asked to make alternative arrangements with your class teacher. Attendance at these meetings is expected.
Bookings are now open and are to be made online at and our event code is ub26c
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our Athletics Team who represented our school at the Maribyrnong Divisional Finals yesterday. All children put in their best effort with the following students making it through to the next stage of competition: Edward Phan-Trinh, Carl Refardt and Bawngtu Inmang.
Fathers' Day Events
It was wonderful to see so many of our dads and grandfathers enjoying breakfast with their children on Monday. We were blessed with lots of sunshine and we hope you enjoyed the morning.
Thank you so much to all parents who helped out with cooking of the breakfast as well as the selling of gifts at the Fathers’ Day stall last Friday. A special thank you to our PFA for organising all the breakfast menu items and the gifts for the stall.
Check out our Facebook page for photos.
Book Club
Thank you for supporting Book Club! When you purchase from Book Club, the school gets back twenty cents for every dollar you spend in rewards. Last year we raised over $900 that the school used to purchase some great literacy and numeracy resources.
Issue 6 is now available with some great books on offer - check it out.
Issue 6 orders are due at 9am on Thursday 6th September. There are two ways to order - return your catalogue to the office with correct change, or you can order online and pay with credit card via the Scholastic website or download the app. Happy reading!
Jess Langhorne
Book Club Co-ordinator
School Disco
This year’s School Disco will held on Thursday 20th September (second last day of term) between 6:30pm and 8:00pm in our community hall. This is the social event of the year for our children and should prove a huge hit!
There will be adults assigned to the various supervision tasks throughout the evening so we ask parents to just drop their children off and return to collect them at 8:00pm sharp. If you would like to volunteer to assist on the night with supervision, ticket sales, canteen sales etc. please indicate so via the CareMonkey form which you will receive today. Working with Children Checks are essential.
The cost for the School Disco is $5.00 per child, payable at the door on the night. Once inside, children will not be permitted to leave the hall until the conclusion when they are collected by their parents. Drinks and snacks as well as glow sticks and show bags will be available for purchase on the night at the Side Show Alley stall.
Our school disco is always a popular event on the calendar and this year will be no exception!
Timetable Changes - Planning Weeks
Over the next few weeks, staff across all year levels will be given time to plan extensively in preparation for Term 4.
Timetables will vary for students on some days especially in relation to specialist classes - Visual Arts, Physical Education and Italian.
Next Tuesday 11th September is the planning day for the Year 3/4 teachers. On Thursday 13th September the Year 5/6 teachers will have their planning day. The children in those year levels will have double sessions of Art, Italian and Physical Education on the above days.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal