Principal's Message
What a Busy Term!
They say time flies when you're having fun! I can't believe it is September already and we are only 2 weeks away from completing our third term for 2019. As always incredibly busy.
This term the students at TSPS have been part of many great learning experiences and I am often shared into their learning and their experiences.
Since the last newsletter I can share that across the school there have been wonderful events across all areas of our curriculum.
Students have experienced sporting events such as the Athletics Day so very well organised by Lee and Robbie and well attended by a number of our families. A number of students have continued onto the next levels of Athletics and we are very proud of them all. Other sporting events have included Yr 5/ 6 Hoop Time and The Billy Slater Rugby Day. On Friday students and staff donned their favourite sporting colours and raised funds for the Cancer Council.
The students were also treated to a school band performance by "The Passions". These students hail from Lara Primary (Joel's school) and they were very entertaining and talented.
Students from Estancia High School, California visited our school for a short while on August 13. They were here as part of a three week exchange program, a sister school partnership with Hoppers Crossing Secondary College. Our students were so surprised to hear that these students all live just 20 minutes away from DIsneyland, Anaheim. This visit is a yearly event and we love having them come to see what we do at TSPS.
Our School Choir (Triple Threats) represented us proudly at the Geelong Schools Performing Arts Festival on Aug 13th. A special mention to Ty Rostron and Emma Clifford who were wonderful leaders on the day- conducting and organising the choir in Jenn's absence. Well done!
Lots of excursions and some incursions have supported purposeful, authentic, real world learning for all our students across the school. I commend the teachers who have planned such excursions as those to the Werribee and Melbourne Zoos and CERES for their care and planning. On occasion given the unpredictability of traffic the buses can return a little later than anticipated and I thank our parents for their patience and understanding.
On Monday Aug 19 we began a week of celebrations as part of Book Week. Teachers and students dressed as their favourite book characters to the theme "Reading is My Secret Power!". Erica Vandy, a local author, visited students in Yr.1-4 and shared the making of her picture book, 'The Raggle Rug' and many parents came along to their children's communities for the read- along sessions. I thank Lisa Sarpa and Cass Beckman for their leadership and coordination of this event.
It is also Camp time.
Across the school, students, staff and parents prepare students for camp.
It begins with Prep Breakfast as part of the 100 Days celebration. That was so much fun.
Yr 1/ 2 students are currently undertaking their Sleepover events. Great activities building in fun, team cooperation and learning have been very well organised by the teachers. I was able to stay for a little while on Thursday evening and saw some great dancing at the disco, heard lots of laughter and joy as students jumped around in the jumping castle in the gym and learned about (and got up close and personal with) some Australian Reptiles, including holding a python. So cool!
In Week 10, students in Yr. 3 / 4 will be attending a three day camp at Lake Dewar. Early Term 4 our Yr 5/ 6 students will also attend this camp. I thank Lee and Robbie for their meticulous planning of the camping program and thank the teachers who will be on call 24/7 for the three days of the events. Camps are an engaging way to learn beyond the school setting in a completely different context. Having said that for some of our students, for a multitude of reasons, camp is not a possibility. For those remaining at school, TSPS holds a 'non-campers' program with extra curricula activities to engage these students. I thank Brendan for his leadership of this program.
One event that I am incredibly proud of is the Father's Day Afternoon. This year we tried something new. More than 300 dads and other significant males came along to an afternoon of both indoor and outdoor activities. Obstacle courses, egg and spoon races, sack races, basketball competitions between adults and students, art activities, technology activities and so much more. Wonderful atmosphere and not one iPad insight. The weather was beautiful and the spirit of community was sensational. To all dads, families and teachers who attended the event, my most heartfelt gratitude. I hope you all enjoyed the gifts your children purchased and presented to you that were on offer at the Father's Day Stall earlier that day. To Rhonda Velkovski and all the parents who manned the stall that day, thank you. At the risk of sounding cliché, it does take a village to raise a child.
There are so many more wonderful events and activities planned for the remainder of our school year and I applaud and thank all our community members who come along to support. Research clearly shows that students' whose family members are active participants in their learning, are more likely to do better at school.
Staff Updates and Student Enrolments for 2020
Work force planning for 2020 is well and truly underway. It is very important that families who intend enrolling Foundation (Prep) students for 2020 do so as soon as possible. It does affect the funding the school receives with regards budgets for teaching staff. In the same way it is important that families who know their children WILL NOT be returning to TSPS in 2020 please inform the office as soon as possible.
The exception to this is our Yr. 6 students who we know will be moving on in 2020. Next term will be incredibly important as they prepare to exit primary school and move onto their secondary chapter.
On the staffing front, I welcome and congratulate Alex Wren as our new Leading Teacher (Well Being) and Craig Wiese, returning as our Leading Teacher (Pedagogy).
A very busy term ahead for Term 4 as we navigate and prepare for 2020.
Our NAPLAN results are in and for all students who took part in the process, individual reports are now available. These reports will not be given to students to bring home. Parents/ carers are asked to please collect personally from the admin area. The office staff is only too willing to assist. Thank you for your understanding.
As a teaching staff we will look at our results and continue to always work to improve our practices.
Reminders and Updates
End of Term 3
School closes at 2.00pm on Friday September 20 . We will be having an earlier assembly (1.15pm start) so please make sure arrangements for students who are collected after school are made for this earlier time.
Term 4 resumes Monday October 7
Curriculum Day Term 4- Student Free Day
Please note: Monday November 4th is our final Curriculum Day for 2019.
On this day teachers will be at school working on assessments and beginning final student reports for Semester Two.
Please note that teaching and learning will continue right through till the end of the year.
Students are NOT required at school Monday Nov 4th.
Tuesday Nov 5th is a public holiday (Melbourne Cup).
School for that week resumes Wednesday Nov 6th.
School Council Meetings
Please note the dates for the remaining School Council Meetings for
2019 are as follows:
Sept 18
Oct 16
Nov 13
Dec 4th (Network School Councils dinner - for presiding councillors only).
Meetings begin 6.30pm and are held in the main staffroom.
Trail of Lights Festival Coming Soon!
I am really excited about this community event. In conjunction with Wyndham Council, a number of community organisations, kinders and schools are taking part in this event. The students in Yr 5-6 are currently working with Lachlan Plan, an artist, to design lanterns that will feature in this parade and subsequent fortnight of lantern trail tours. These 3 D structures are spectacular! The students have done an incredible job in creating these sculptures. On Sept 20, last day of Term 3, this event will be launched in Garran Lane, backing onto the back of our school fence. The launch will run from 6-10pm with families and students and many other community members taking part in this event. I am looking for as many families to join us in this celebration. Following on from this, for the following fortnight, running along Federation Trail, the lanterns will feature as part of the lights festival including digital projections, 3D art works and the lanterns themselves with twilight tours and exhibitions. Please consider being part of the launch event. Another wonderful way to be part of our local community.