Around the College

Legal Studies Excursion- Law Week
Our trip during Law Week 2019 provided tremendous insight into Victoria’s justice system, as we were privileged to hear from experienced and highly acclaimed legal professionals. The speakers shared invaluable information from their fields of expertise, most memorably Rob Hulls, who served as Attorney General and is now the founding director of RMIT University’s Centre for Innovative Justice. It was incredibly inspiring to hear from the man behind the establishment of so many tremendous justice system initiatives, many of which we have studied in depth in Legal Studies, and to learn of the persistent pathway which he took in order to pursue his dream of a career in law. Moreover, our time in the County Court provided an understanding which cannot be obtained from a textbook.
We took part in a recreation of a jury empanelment and heard from a retired County Court judge and Magistrate who shared knowledge of great relevance to our current areas of study. These sessions were captivating and informative and we were very fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear from such legal professionals. The knowledge we gained from this day will undoubtedly assist us in our studies to come.
Emma Xerri
Australian Science Olympiads: For Year 10 and 11 students only.
The Australian Science Olympiads programme is the ultimate science challenge for high-achievers. It is a rewarding opportunity tailored for outstanding Year 10 and 11 students to stretch themselves way beyond school science through challenging exams, stimulating residential programs and international competitions in Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science and Physics.
Sitting the Australian Science Olympiad Exams in August is the first step towards competing against the world's best in science at the International Science Olympiads.
Exam dates:
Chemistry: Wednesday 7 August
Earth and Environmental Science: Friday 9 August
Biology: Monday 12 August
Physics: Wednesday 14 August
Please email your interest to Miss Gurm ( by
Friday 14 June 2019.
Ms Sheba Gurm
Learning Leader, Science
STEM Coordinator
Dandenong Market Excursion- Year 10 Economics
On Tuesday May 14 2019, our Year 10 Economics students spent the morning at the Dandenong Market. After some weeks of studying various aspects of the Australian Economy, the morning provided a great opportunity for the students the see both Supply and Demand in action.
The students had to complete a work requirement to strengthen their studies, whereby they had to interview some vendors, compare prices, quality and supply in various stores and stalls. It was a good opportunity for them to venture outside the classroom and put all of the theory to the test.
The students were engaged and made the most of the opportunity to watch the Market in action. And they were able to enjoy a little bit of free time with their friends before heading back to school, so that they could make the most of the many different cuisines that the Market has to offer. It was a fun morning! I thank the students for their enthusiasm and both Mr Brusco and Mr Chan for their assistance with supervision at the Market.
Ms Donna Watts
Learning Leaders- Humanities.
Victorian Secondary Schools Culinary Challenge 2019
COMPETITION DAY Friday 24 May 2019 at St John's Regional College Dandenong
Each year the Australian Culinary Federation (ACF) conducts a cooking competition for secondary school students in each Australian state. The aim of this competition is to give students an insight into the hospitality industry and to identify and encourage students who demonstrate a talent and a passion for cooking. This competition also opens the doors for competitors for future training and employment.
In 2018, Anthony Ziino and Charlotte Woltanski were part of a team of four that won The SIS Teen Chef competition. The win qualified them to take part in the Victorian Secondary Schools Culinary Challenge.
The competition required each team to prepare, cook and display a main course for two people on two separate plates within a time limit of 1 hour. Students used a whole No. 12 chicken as the main component of their dish. The dish required an appropriate starch, vegetable and garnish.
Charlotte and Anthony prepared and cooked a Roasted Sweet Potato and Quinoa Salad and Fried Chicken with a Nanban Tare sauce.
We congratulate Charlotte and Anthony on their efforts and achieving a bronze medal in the Competition.
Ms Christine Vaughan
Learning Leader, Arts and Technology
St Vincent de Paul College Conference Day at Abbotsford
This year's St Vincent de Paul Society College Conference Day was just as insightful as the last. In total, eight senior students from our Vinnies team had the opportunity to spend a day with students from other Catholic schools from around Victoria The day consisted of various workshops, all with a common purpose of educating high school students on the various ways and avenues through which Vinnies provides a ‘hand up’ to those in need. The sessions included an education session, exploring the tremendous work that Volunteers all over Melbourne put into the various tutoring programmes run by Vinnies, and highlighted the importance of these programmes for children whose access to education is not as prominent as ours.
This session was incredibly eye-opening and definitely positioned me, and other members of our College Conference, to re evaluate our perspective on education and to appreciate just how truly fortunate we are to attend Nazareth College.
Overall, the day was incredibly informative and it was such a privilege to learn from the many volunteers of the society who continue to do such amazing work for our wider community.
Thank you to Ms Douglass for organising and attending this day. It was an invaluable experience and I am sure that the knowledge we gained will be successfully implemented to improve the works of our very own conference.
Emma Xerri - Vinnies President