Faith and Wellbeing Assistant Principal's Report

World's Greatest Shave
On Thursday 16 May 2019 the Wheeler Auditorium was filled with nearly every student in the College, all who chose to attend (it was optional) and support the fantastic work of Hannah Thomson, Caitlin Williams and Georgina Karras who had been working for months for this event. These students have all had their lives touched by cancer and desired to do something to support other families touched by cancer by creating Nazareth’s version of the World’s Greatest Shave. They had numerous meetings, organised two BBQs to raise money and then organised for two hairdressers, Vicky and Amy, to come and generously volunteer to shave the heads of Hannah, Caitlin, Georgina and Spencer Wieclaw. Thanks go to Mr Broadbent who had his beard shaved off by Mr McAleer. Ms Dekker had her hair sprayed blue (for McAuley of course!) while Mrs Murphy had pink sprayed through her hair. An enormous congratulations to the girls for their efforts in organising this and to all the staff involved and supporting with the shave and BBQs.
So far the students and staff have raised $5,000. They are very grateful for all the donations that have been given so far but would love to receive more. Donations can still be made to the World's Greatest Shave via the link below.
Mass for Social Justice, Thursday 6 June 2019 12.00 pm
Our College St Vincent de Paul Conference has been working hard to get the Winter Drive started for donations of food, clothing, blankets, toiletries etc for those in need. We encourage all families to be generous in supporting such a great cause. The gifts will be presented to the St Vincent de Paul local branch after our Mass for Social Justice on Thursday 6 June 2019. For us as Catholics being generous and supporting people in need is following the example of Jesus and is part of who we are. Our Mass for Social Justice is our way of uniting our efforts to love God through loving our neighbour by offering ourselves and all we have given at His Holy Altar in the Mass. Parents and family members are most welcome to join us for this Mass in the College Auditorium at 12.00 pm on Thursday 6 June 2019.
A big thank you to the majority of our students who wear the uniform so well every day. A reminder that in Term 2 the Blazer is to be worm to and from school and that PE uniform is only to be worn on days when students have a PE practical class. It seems some students have become a little relaxed with the uniform over the last few weeks, so please support us as we have a fantastic uniform and our students do look great when it is worn correctly.
Year 12 Formal
Mrs Hughes and the Year 12 Leaders have been working very hard to set up a great night for our Year 12 students to take a break from their studies and work and enjoy being together and celebrating their final year together with the Year 12 Formal on Thursday 20 June 2019. This is a great night and we look forward to it and thank Mrs Hughes and the Leaders for all their work in preparation.
Student Free Day - Friday 21 June
A reminder that Friday 21 June 2019 is a Student Free Day for Nazareth College.
Mr Justin Duckett
Assistant Principal - Faith and Wellbeing