Principal's Report

Musical Production
This week has demonstrated just what a group of dedicated students can achieve with the help and generous contribution of our staff.
Our Musical Production, The Addams Family, has been a tremendous Production that has seen over 32 cast members, musicians, lighting and sound crew, back stage crew, front of house, together with marketing and promotions people, ensure its wonderful success.
Consistently, one cannot fault it. It has been enjoyed by many of our neighbouring Primary Schools and invited guests. The next two evenings are nearly sold out. However, if you are still interested in coming along, please just attend, as there are still some tickets on sale. We will accommodate you.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in the Production. There are many of our Nazareth Community involved in make up, costumes and also providing food and drink during Intermission. These events would not be possible without their help.
A special thank you to the four main staff members who have devoted countless hours in preparing for this year’s Production, Ms Tatiana Vega, Ms Kathleen Taura, Ms Amanda Mauceri and Ms Andrea Smith, together with our instrumental teachers and sound and lighting technician, Mr Josh Aiello.
To all of you, as well as the many others behind the scenes – ticket sellers, our Maintenance crew etc – I thank you on behalf of all the College Community.
The students have been outstanding and they will always remember the experience and fun they have had since the start of this year. Memories like these will live on forever.
Principals Conference
Catholic Social Teaching and The Other
Each year I am blessed to be able to attend the PAVCSS (Principals’ Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools) annual retreat.
This year we travelled to Marysville for a three-day gathering. Symbolically, Marysville is a place that has rejuvenated itself with new growth after the devastating bushfires of the past.
I can say that our three days away were also, in a similar way, rejuvenating and touched many of our hearts.
Dr Anna Rowlands, an internationally acclaimed Professor of Catholic social thought and practice, lecturer in contemporary Catholic Theology and Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University, led us on the theme of Catholic social teachings, through four keynote addresses:
- The Catholic School and its Public Witness
- The Catholic School and the Common Good
- Practising Communion
- Hope
My learning centred around what I, as a leader of a Catholic College, can do to ensure that, in these times of crisis when the church has been rightly criticised for its actions, we as a school community can develop the wholeness of a person and ensure that those who are marginalised are at the centre of our focus and mission.
I see you – I hear you – I am here
Together, we need to carry the cross, walk with the poor and accompany them. We need to be ‘connected’ rather than ‘disconnected’ and, finally, we need to explore the role of forgiveness and dignity in building a culture of respect.
These are some of my reflections on my time away and, together, it is my hope that we are able to enact on these by having structures in place that allow us to broaden these experiences.
An example of this is by ensuring that each student is challenged to do something for someone else. At Nazareth we have many opportunities to do this by participating in the following:
- Soup Kitchen
- Mini Vinnies
- Building Bridges
- Nursing Home Visits
- Volunteering to help others
- Seeing the need and acting on it
- Ensuring that we are an inclusive Community
- Not being judgemental
I urge all within our Nazareth Community to partake in many of our fundraisers as, together, we can make a tremendous difference.
One in Christ
Engaging Minds
Igniting Hearts
God Bless
Mr Sam Cosentino