Business Matters

School fees
We would like to remind families that Term 2 payments were due on Friday 26 April 2019. If you have not made a payment yet please do so immediately. It is an expectation that all families keep up-to-date with their fee payment plan. Families that are experiencing financial difficulty should contact the College Business Manager, Mr Lee Perry, on 9795 8100 to discuss payment options.
The Victorian Government offers a yearly payment, known as the CSEF, to low income families to help them with school related costs. Families with a means-tested Health Care Card may be eligible and should complete the form below and return it to the Accounts Office as soon as possible. Applications close 28 June 2019.
International Students
Invoices for the tuition fees for Semester 2, 2019 were issued last week. Payments are due in full and must be paid by 21 June 2019. If you have not received your invoice please email the College at and a copy will be sent to you.
Rowville and Keysborough buses
Payment for Semester 2 is due and must be paid by 7 June 2019. If you have children who use the bus, and have not received an invoice for Semester 2, please contact the College on 9795 8100. Bus invoices are to be paid in full for the semester.
Instrumental Music Programme
Semester 2, 2019 invoices were mailed out last week. Payment for individual, paired and group lessons are due by Friday 21 June 2019.