Arts & Technology News

Visual Arts Exhibition 2017

The 2017 Visual Arts Exhibition was held 1st November to the 3rd November in the PAC. Over the three days students in all year levels were given the opportunity to view the vast array of artwork on display.


The official opening occurred on Wednesday 1st November and was attended by many parents, students, staff and friends. Guests were entertained throughout the night by pianist Richard Shao. Asheigh and Aimee Harris greeted the guests and offered refreshments whilst Maayan Ashkar and Phoebe Yan photographed the opening.

Mrs Sheereen Kindler opened the exhibition followed by Daniela Scaramuzzino presenting The Deans Arts awards for 2017 to students who demonstrated excellence in their field and intend on pursuing a career in The Arts.


The following students were awarded a certificate and prize:


Year 10 Visual Arts – Ionatan Maghidman

Year 11 Studio Art – Kali Appleby

Year 12 Studio Art – Shiree Vallins

Year 10 Visual Communication Design – Carlos Lyford

Year 11 Visual Communication Design – Sean Kelly

Year 12 Visual Communication Design – Talya Bahari

This is the fourth year Deans Arts Supplies has sponsored our Visual Arts students. Glen Eira College appreciate their ongoing support.


Bernadette McIvor

Arts & Technology Coordinator

Arts and Technology Week

To coincide with the annual Visual Arts Exhibition, the Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Technology staff celebrated Arts and Technology Week. From Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November lunchtime activities were held for students in the newly refurbished rooms. The array of activities encapsulates the diversity of subjects offered at Glen Eira College.   


Bernadette McIvor

Arts & Technology Coordinator

Card Making
Crepe Making
Gaming Demonstration
Icecream Stick Construction
Making a Plastic Pacman Keyring
Paper Sculpture
Robotics Demonstration
Card Making
Crepe Making
Gaming Demonstration
Icecream Stick Construction
Making a Plastic Pacman Keyring
Paper Sculpture
Robotics Demonstration

Portrait Exhibition - A Reflection

A few months ago, Ms McIvor invited me to participate in a portrait exhibition of 100 portraits of 100 centenarians by teenagers. I found this an inspiring idea and was very excited to make a contribution. I was partnered with a centenarian, and a time was organised to visit their residence to speak with them and their family. The person I was to paint was a gentleman named Eric Edwards. 


Before meeting Eric and his family, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, and I was worried that I wouldn’t know how to talk to him and his family. But when I met with Eric and his family, and they told me his story, I learned how much they all cared about each other. They were such lovely people and Eric’s story was full of not only moments in history, but a strong family bond of care and love. I learned how Eric grew up in the depression era, how he lost his father and of his war service. Eric was one of the Rats of Tobruk and was taken as a prisoner of war in WWII. He was also a man with many interests who loved his family more than anything.


About a week after hearing Eric’s rich and moving story from his family, I was informed that he had passed away shortly after his 101st birthday. I attended his funeral, it was a beautiful service.


When the painting was done, and I had written a short biography, it was all sent off to be put in the exhibition. The exhibition was quite a sight. One hundred different paintings, all beautifully different, each telling their own story. Over 10,000 years of life displayed in three rooms.


Now that the project is finished, I know that I have been a part of something I will never forget. And I hope that my painting will bring happiness to his family, and provide an everlasting paper memory of Eric.


Tahlia Delaney-Murnane

Year  9

Tahlia presented to Eric’s family, Russell and Jacinta, her portrait at the school assembly. The family was so moved by the art work that the family paid for a water colour workshop for Tahlia and other Glen Eira College students to further develop their artistic skills. Rosie Marshall, an Illustrator, conducted a 2 hour workshop with the students during transition.


Bernadette McIvor

Arts & Technology Coordinator