Around the College

Diwali Celebrations

We celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, with henna tattoos and a delicious staff morning tea.

Start Smart

On Monday 30th October, the Year 10 Business Studies class, both the Year 11 Business Management classes and some classes from the English Language Centre participated in workshops run by the Start Smart Programme.  The same facilitators also came on Monday 6th November to run workshops with our Year 7-9 students. 


Each workshop focuses on a different topic in depth and explores financial concepts such as understanding the impact of financial choices, getting your first job and managing your mobile phone as well as basic investment principles, savings goals and budgeting.

The Secondary program is an interactive learning experience that is designed to engage students and empower them to make confident financial choices.


Melanie Mattsson

Humanities KLA Leader

Head of Humanities

Below is a reflection from one of our Year 10 Business Students:

This excursion was a very special one. It was our first ever incursion for Business Studies and we were so excited to attend our first class in the new gym. We had Lisa from the Commonwealth Bank’s Start Smart Programme facilitate the incursion. It was a very useful incursion as many of us have just started to manage money. The facilitator was very friendly and engaging. The content of the workshop was relevant to most of us. We came to know about the strategies that can be used to control our spending and different types of influences on our spending. The students of Year 10 Business Studies would like to Thank GEC, Miss Kaur and the facilitator for giving us one of the best experience ever.


Shruthi Sasi Kumar 

Year 10