
Year 8 Art

The Year 8 artists have been working hard on learning and practising stencilling techniques using spray paint and sponges.

They used scalpels and cutting mats to carefully cut out their designs and then presented them in a variety of different ways - some even using their stencils to redecorate the art room stools!

Year 9 Project Runway

Our Year 9 Project Runway designers are currently working on using a paper pattern to construct a garment of their choice.

We went on an excursion to Spotlight at the start of term, so students were able to choose and purchase their own fabric - selecting a wide variety of different patterned and textured fabrics.

Year 11 Studio Arts

My wonderful Year 11 Studio artists have just finished and submitted their folio of work for Unit 2.

I was super impressed by the quality of the artworks and content covered in the visual diary. Well done to Bella Susigan and Dani Wandin whose folio work in particular was outstanding. They worked really hard to produce considered and creative artworks and should be very proud of their efforts. Look forward to seeing what they produce in Year 12.