Year 5/6 News
Year 5/6 News
The end to term 2 has been frantic and busy. Emma finished her final week with us and provided some wonderful Maths and Literacy activities. In Enviro Science, we have been learning about erosion and land slip. We were fortunate enough to see the various stages of land slip on our excursion to the Monson’s Farm. We also got to plant over 440 native seedling shrubs and trees. Thanks to Mono and Lisa for their hospitality and providing us with the opportunity to do some hands on work to help improve our local environment.
In Maths we have been learning about factors, multiples, divisibility and long multiplication. Students have enjoyed learning a number of new maths activities from the Michael Ymer Maths Day.
On Friday of last week the majority of the Grade 5-6’s represented the Karmai Cluster in football, soccer and netball. The games were played in good spirit and the best to each team’s ability.
In Literacy we completed a Cold Write and started a “Letter to the Principal.” The idea behind the letter is for each student to identify and area of need in the school and use their writing skills to convince Ms King to consider their ideas.
As part of a unit of work on multiculturalism, students have recently selected a race of people from a migrating country to study and have begun researching information about their country of origin. Students then presented their research during our Peace & Harmony Day celebrations.