Prep / One / Two

BER news!

Another busy few weeks have flown by in the Prep/One rooms. We have created an “Op Shop” in the investigations area to help expand our maths unit coming up exploring money. Other topics covered in Maths recently have been subtraction. The children have been introduced to the concept of ‘take-away’ through maths games, we have also introduced the symbols – and =. In Measurement, we have explored capacity of containers and comparing which container holds more or less. We have looked at weight, using simple balance scales and hefting items.

In English, we have been working on recalling our sight words - I hope you have been practising at home! We are practising the letters and the sounds they make and practising our handwriting daily. We have introduced the concept of dictation so that the children get some explicit instruction on how to sound out words and leave spaces between words and to use capital letters and full stops. We have been reading books on the ‘EPIC!’ website and practising logging on to the computers and opening Chrome to find the link to the website. We have finished our unit on persuasive writing and have begun a challenging unit on procedure texts. We have been writing simple class and individual procedures about things like how to make fairy bread or a glass of Milo. Don’t forget to make sure that your child is reading every night. In the mornings when they arrive, the children change their books if they have read the night before and get a new one.

In Digital Technologies, we have made a storyboard to make a video of our class in different settings with in our school. Keep an eye out soon for the finished product!

In Co-operative Learning Groups, we had an afternoon where the whole school learned about the Stolen Generation and “Sorry” day. We read a simple book and made feet to symbolise the journey home for many Indigenous families. The art installation by the flagpoles was amazing!

Year 1/2

During spelling lessons we have been learning about the digraphs ch and sh. While reading we are practicing reading at a good volume so our partner can hear, and re-reading when the word doesn't sound right. In Maths we have been learning about subtraction, with games and hand-on materials. We had a lot of fun creating and solving farmyard and zoo subtraction problems. 

Mrs D's growing belly has continued to be measured during Investigations and the students are now trying to predict how many cm's the number will increase by each week.

We investigated how mixing how changed throughout time during our integrated studies unit. All students tried to create whipped cream using a wooden spoon, whisk, swift whip and electric mixer. They had a great discussion about what the best method was which helped them to create their timeline of mixing from oldest to the newest method. Our excursion to  Coal Creek was a culminating event for all of our class learning in the area of history and was fantastic!