Student of the Week
Lilly Welsh - For being an outstanding student who is always ready to learn.
Molly Pringle - For a fantastic improvement in reading and writing.
Minnie Whittle - For outstanding work in mathematics and coding.
Arthur Weir - For outstanding effort in literacy and handwriting.
Eli Smyth - For working diligently to improve his reading and writing skills.
Brilee Pearson - For working productively during independent literacy activities.
George Gibson - For teaching the class how to make Origami Ninja Stars. Well done.
Marley Mitchell - For awesome literacy skills.
CJ Gosper - For excellent effort and persistence in all areas.
Whitney Eagleston - For consistent effort in all areas.
Mackenzie Mitchell - For a fantastic effort and commitment to her learning.
Annabelle Peffer - For improving the quality of her written work, making it more descriptive and entertaining.
Rosie Quilty - For being a hardworking student who strives to do her best at all times.
Hunter Finney - For fantastic effort and attendance all week. Well Done.
Stella Mitchell - For awesome narrative writing about the 'King of Winter'
Sofia Ryan - For improved effort when writing independently.
Sebastian Scott - For improved effort in all areas of school life.
Cody Brown - For settling well into 5/6 Ruby.
Violett Armstrong - For excellent commitment to her classwork and homework.
Noah Szulik - For writing and reading an entertaining Toy Factory narrative.
Harry Sullivan - For outstanding work segmenting all of his spelling words correctly.