Primary News

From Mrs Audrey Brown, Deputy Primary

1/2 Golds' Special Visitors

1/2 Gold had two officers from the local police come to see them at the request of Jacob Delaney who wrote a letter asking them to come and tell his class all about being a policeman. The students were full of questions and enjoyed having the opportunity to find out about the things police do. Great work Jacob!


A big thank you to Mitch Christie & Brendan May for making the effort. We are sure 1/2 Gold appreciated your time.





Week 9 - Crazy Hair Day

Last Friday K-6 thought that crazy times called for crazy hair! All the children (and teachers) showed up with an array of weird and wonderful styles! We had a parade in the afternoon with our SRC judging the Craziest, Brightest and Biggest Hair style in Kindergarten, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3. Prizes galore and lots of smiles. We even had a visit from Prime News. Mrs Brown was very happy not to be in charge of washing and brushing all those hair styles out!!!




Primary Mathematics

Kindergarten have been working hard during Mathematics, combining hands on learning with written work. They are building a strong foundation in early mathematical concepts. At the other end of the scale, our Year 5 and 6 students are enjoying their new Mathematics program that started this year. Whilst teachers always differentiate during lessons, this program takes this differentiation to a whole new level. Pictured below is Mr Costa from the High School who is working on secondary algebra with Minnie Whittle