From the Principal's Desk

With Mrs Michelle Barrett


Our modified reports will be distributed to parents at the end of the term. It has been a huge challenge for our staff to complete reports but we believe that it was important to give parents feedback about how students have returned to school. We are offering parent teacher phone calls instead of interviews this year due to the COVID 19 situation. Parents may contact teachers by phone at any time for feedback if required and face to face appointments can still occur if organised in advance through the front office.



This year parents are invited to a ZOOM Meeting on Thursday 23rd July at 7PM where information regarding subject selections will be presented. Year 10 students will also have an appointment with Mrs Barrett and Mr Taprell or Mr Thorne. Parents can phone in at the designated time to join the meeting by speaker phone if they would like to contribute. We do our best to ensure students select an appropriate pattern of study towards the Higher School Certificate. By looking at strengths and interests as well as exploring what career pathway students may wish to take, we will have a greater chance of ensuring students select subjects that will engage them and contribute towards further learning.  Students will receive their subject selection booklet in WEEK 1, before the ZOOM meeting so they can discuss their options with parents.


I have had many students over the years ask me “why do we have to study Shakespeare?” My comeback is usually around the challenge because it is not easy to understand Shakespeare but it is something that most high school students can achieve and by understanding Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets and poems, students can feel a great sense of accomplishment. I believe that most adults can remember which play of Shakespeare they studied during their school years. The language Shakespeare uses is very powerful and this week I was privileged to watch our Year 9 students experience their own interpretation through enacting a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which Shakespeare wrote about 1595.

Our students gave an impressive rendition of their chosen scene and supported their performance with props and music. One group had even designed their own background. I was very impressed with the commitment the students had displayed, not just towards the staging and props but also in the way many of the students had learned their lines. They certainly were up to the challenge and to see the enjoyment this task brought to all of the students involved I know this will be something they will remember for a very long time. I love the opportunity to be part of a school environment where there is so much learning and enjoyment on display.



On the same day I was fortunate to be invited to a Hospitality Service Assessment where Year 12 hospitality students were required to demonstrate their service skills to several staff members for an assessment. I must say the service was exceptional and as I have had limited opportunities to be served a meal since the lockdown it was a real treat. From the moment we entered the room to the clearing of our table we all felt very special. The coffee was also exceptional. I hope that our world gets back to some normality so that or students may have opportunities to work in the hospitality industry in the future.



The first date of Semester 2 for students is Tuesday 21st July for students. Our entire staff is looking forward to starting a fresh semester of learning. Enjoy the upcoming two weeks with your children without the pressure of remote learning!