From the 




Week 2 Check In Write Up and Survey Link for Week 3

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey last week, we had an amazing number of respondents. Please find the write up from the results here: Family Check In – Term 3 Week 2 Write Up. In particular we have picked up on your feedback concerning possible opportunities for student play and the Wellbeing Day on August 17, and we would like to get more information from you on your thoughts in these areas. Pleas find the link to the SMPPS Family Check In - Term 3 Week 3, we would love it if you could take the time to let us know what you are thinking.


Kids Help Line

Kids Help Line is an amazing service for all our families. Their mantra is “1800 55 1800. Anytime. Any Reason.” They have resources for children of all ages, but also great resources for parents. I cannot emphasise how great this resource is as a support for your own mental health and wellbeing, and that of your children. The section aimed at children allows them to express their emotions and work through resources that are targeted to how they are feeling.


If you feel this might be useful to you please go and explore, it is definitely worth your time. 



Some of you may be aware of our regular staff practice of ‘gratitude’. At the start of almost all our meetings we each share something we are grateful for from our last week. This can be something small, this can be something from outside of work, it can be anything at all. Often a common theme is how grateful we all are for our amazing community and our colleagues. The reason we do this is that it helps us to build up a habit of looking for positives and actively thinking about the things that are going well. You may wish to try this at home. Perhaps every Friday ask yourself “what is one thing I am grateful for this week?” I know families who keep this on the fridge at home, or have it written on the bathroom mirror. We know how important looking after our mental health is during these times, and being grateful for the small things is one way to do this. 


Harry Potter with Mr Vines

As many of you will know, one of my biggest passions is reading. Harry Potter is one of those books that I always found to be truly immersive. I have been filming myself read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone on the weekends, and you can find the link to these videos here: Harry Potter with Mr Vines. This is just an opportunity for your child to listen to a story being told, they can watch or just put in some earphones, and hopefully this is another resource to support you at home. I will be updating this page with videos as I get a chance to read each chapter.


National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day

August the 4th every year is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day. Children’s Day is a time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities and all Australians, celebrate the strengths and culture of our children. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child.


Children’s Day has been run annually since 1988 and is the initiative of SNAICC – National Voice for our Children. You can find more information about this day here:


Our People

We really miss seeing everyone. We have such an amazing community and it has been a huge loss to not be able to see you all each day, and we know you all feel this as well. In an attempt to ‘be connected’, we are going to be having an ‘Our People’ segment in the newsletter each time. This is where we will share a small profile on one or two of our parents so that we can all get to know each other. 


Our amazing Engagement and Wellbeing subcommittee of school council has stepped up to be the first to share. If you would are happy to share please just email the school with a photo and your answers to the questions (we can email) as show in the Our People section.


Thank you!

To the very kind and thoughtful person who donated toilet paper to the staff, and from such a great organisation.