
Catholic Social Teaching

This term as a school we are focussing on Catholic Social Teaching. Catholic Social Teaching covers all spheres of life – the economic, political, personal and spiritual. With human dignity at its centre, a holistic approach to development founded on the principles of CST, is what Pope Paul VI called ‘authentic development’. This fortnight we have explored the Catholic Social Teaching principles of Dignity of the Human Person and Preferential Option for the Poor and how this guides the work of Caritas and Roman Catholics around the world.


Dignity of the Human Person

Each person possesses a basic dignity that comes from God, not from any human quality or accomplishment, not from race or gender, age or economic status.

The Common Good, CBCEW, 1996, #13


Loving God,

We believe that every person is created in your image and this makes us all very special. May we always work to end poverty and make things fair so all people can live a full and beautiful life.

Lord hear us.

Response: Lord hear our prayer.


Preferential Option for the Poor

Caring for the poor is everyone’s responsibility. Preferential care should be shown to poor and vulnerable people, whose needs and rights are given special attention in God’s eyes. As a Catholic community we aim to reach the poorest and most marginalised people, which often requires greater effort to reach more remote regions.



Loving God,

May we always help other people who do not have what they need such as food, clean water and a home. Help us see what causes people to live in poverty, and what we can do to make a difference.

Lord hear us.

Response: Lord hear our prayer.