IEC News

Good Values

What are the role of values in shaping our lives? They play an important role in one’s life from understanding other people’s perspective, to learning how to interact with others empathetically. To instil these values, the IEC Walters 1 roll class have been learning about empathy, perseverance, resilience, honesty and other values that help them to become better members of society.



63 is a class with many mature students who engage well with their learning.  In week 4, the class started learning about the difference between 2D and 3D shapes in preparation to studying their new topic on Surface Area and Volume. Students were learning the language related to the topic: faces, edges and vertices. After learning the language, students engaged in creating solids of cardboard using the nets of the various solids. When the activity was completed, students put their names on the solids and we hung them on the wall of C6 classroom. As shown in the photos, the students have enjoyed taking part in this activity.


This term continues the introduction of topics that students study in the high school curriculum to the IEC, which was started earlier this year. In Stage 4 Foundation classes, students are studying Ancient Egypt, while Stage 5 classes are studying the Australian Colonies. Students in 6 level 3 classes are studying Rights and Freedoms and are learning about the lives of key figures who fought for civil rights in Australia, such as Eddie Mabo and Charles Perkins. Students in the IEC are not only learning about ideas and content that they will encounter in their future studies, they are also becoming more knowledgeable about significant concepts and events that affect their lives in modern Australian society.