Faculty News


On the last day of Term 2, 8B Science planted some plants that were donated by Blacktown City Council. Students planted the native shrubs at the front of the school as part of an ongoing Green Team project, which is working on restoring some of the local Cumberland Plain Woodland for native wildlife living in the area. They were visited by an Australian brushturkey which lives on the school grounds, it came to inspect their work. The activity consolidated the topic of sustainable ecosystems and human impacts which they had been learning about throughout Term 2 in Science.



Year 8 Technology Mandatory have been working on making a spice rack in Woodwork. They have used a variety of hand tools and equipment. They have measured, cut, glued and nailed various pieces of timber in the manufacture of this product. The spice racks are coming along nicely and the students cannot wait to take home such a useful project. Students have further gained knowledge and experience on how to use tools and machinery such as the drill press, disc sander and tenon saw. 



Year 9 Food Technology is learning about Food in Australia. They are exploring topics such as how the Australian Indigenous people used to hunt and their diets. Furthermore, they are exploring how Australia has become so multicultural and diverse and how it has affected food in Australia in a positive way. They have been making a variety of delicious foods from all around the world such as stir fries.

Year 10 Food Technology is learning about Food Service and Catering. They are learning about how food is served and catered in the industry. A lot of students are interested and passionate about the topic and want to have a career in the ever-growing food industry.  They have enjoyed their delicious Food Truck Style Ramen with a spicy Korean dressing.


Year 11 Food Technology is learning about Nutrition and soon they will be doing revision for Yearly Exams. Year 11’s have completed an assignment where they analysed their diet for two days and further comparing it to the Australian Dietary Guidelines. We have all found out that we are lacking vegetables in our diets, with the class averaging about 1-2 servings of vegetables daily. Our goals is to hopefully increase that by 1-2 servings to get closer to the guidelines. 


Fortnightly Brain Teaser

Each fortnight, a brain teaser will be chosen and given to students to solve. Brain teasers are available in the Library for students to collect or from their Mathematics teacher. Each correct entry will go into a fortnightly draw – winning students will receive a canteen voucher. Brainteasers will get more and more difficult as the weeks progress. This week’s brainteasers:


Weekly Tutoring

Tutoring is available every Tuesday lunch time in Room 2. Staff and senior students will be available to assist with skills acquisition, homework and assessment help.


Year 11 CEC Numeracy Course 

This new course is being taught to Year 11 students in 2020 and is designed to teach the Mathematics concepts used in everyday life. Students are discovering that there are many Mathematical calculations involved in the workplace including many trades and hospitality careers. Skills involved include ordering, finance, rates of pay, discounts, taxes, purchasing and stock control, accurate measurement and calculations, as well as rates and ratios. 


Charts and statistics used in the media on a daily basis are also investigated to further inform our daily lives – an example is the behaviour of the Covid-19 virus and associated statistics. 



All students will get access to Maths-Online when their Mathematics resource fee is paid at the front office. Maths-Online is a great ICT tool available to enhance basic skills, develop their knowledge and increase their confidence with all topics they find difficult at their own pace.


Google Classroom

Teachers update classwork and homework on Google Classroom routinely. Absent students can refer to their online Classroom to find out what work was missed and to complete set homework.