Year Adviser News

Year 8 Year Adviser

Maati El Hafiane

Term 3 so far has been a positive start for all Year 8 students. Students have been working hard in their classes and have started to work on a number of upcoming assessment tasks. 


Last Friday, Year 8 participated in a well-being program in their assigned classes. This allowed students to connect with their classmates and teachers and was a great initiative to reward them for all their hard-work so far. 


I would like to take this moment to congratulate Ms Espejel, on the announcement of a baby girl, due in January. We are extremely excited for you and wish you all the best in 2021. It will be very hard to replace you as an Assistant Year Adviser and we are going to miss you. 


I'd like to also thank Ms Marasinghe and Ms Hunter for all their support with Year 8 this year. It's great working as a team and being able to support our wonderful cohort. 


I'm looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for Year 8.

Year 10 Year Adviser

Melissa Silva

This term has been exciting for Year 10. With subjection selection coming up in the next few weeks, students were able to choose from a range of subjects to be offered next year and participate in taster lessons. Most students enjoyed these lessons and were happy to get a glimpse of their senior studies. Taster lessons were conducted over all subject areas. Year 10 students have also chosen this week’s Movement Music which was ‘I want it that way' by the Backstreet Boys. 


Coming up towards the end of the term, Year 10 will be partaking in well-being activities designed specifically for our year group. This will include some food, games and activities. Students are reminded to complete any outstanding assessment tasks or N-Awards, wear the correct school uniform and bring their sport uniform on the appropriate day/s, behave in a respectful manner in all classes and ensure their attendance is above 85%. 


Looking forward to another great term! 


Ms Silva 

Year 12 Year Adviser

Courtney Griffiths

Year 12 student have diligently prepared for and completed their Trial Higher School Certificate Examinations throughout Week 4 and 5 of this Term. All examination protocols as well as COVID-19 protocols were implemented and practised to familiarise students with the HSC Examination conditions.


For more information including some frequently asked questions, parents and students are encouraged to visit the NESA website regarding COVID-19 information for students sitting the HSC. You can click on the button below:



Following the announcement of NSW Health to the Department of Education, the Year 12 Formal has been cancelled and the Graduation Ceremony will be conducted differently in order to celebrate their school achievement in a safe environment. There will be more details regarding the Year 12 graduation closer to the date and it will follow all current recommendations suggested by NSW Health.


In the lead up to the HSC Year 12 students are encouraged to practice healthy well-being strategies to reduce stress such as implementing a strict sleep regime as suggested by the Sleep Connections seminar they attended and healthy eating habits. They are also encouraged to  continue to revise and prepare for examinations in a regular study routine rather than last minute cramming before an examination. Most importantly, if they feel overwhelmed and stressed speak with their teacher, Year Adviser, school counsellor or family member for support.