From the Principal Class Team
Dear Parents and Guardians
I am writing to you from a very quiet and empty school – not a way of working that we could ever have anticipated, particularly in school education. Schools are vibrant, dynamic places where relationships are at the heart of everything we do and excel at, nothing more so than in learning and teaching together.
Every day spent in a school provides the joy, reassurance and optimism that comes from us as a community. We see, hear and feel this in the hundreds of small interactions and experience each day, and through bigger events such as assemblies, sporting competitions, the art and music we create… It also stems from the privilege of working with young people, and the sense of hopefulness this engenders. It always reminds me that no matter how grim things can be, we have so much to be positive about in terms of the future. Our students are persistent and compassionate; they are leaders; dedicated to their education; great friends; and they have the capacity to shape a promising future for themselves and all of us.
It is for all of these reasons that I am looking forward to us being back together onsite in Term 4. We don’t yet know exactly when this will happen, or how. We will provide you with the details as soon as we are advised by the Department of Education of these arrangements.
To support a return to onsite schooling, we will, of course, ensure that we continue to provide a safe, clean environment that complies with all of the latest health and safety requirements and advice.
Our focus will be on reconnecting as a community and re-establishing relationships. It will also be a priority for us to ensure that we have a very clear picture of where each student is at in their learning, and what action we need to take to address any gaps, and to maintain challenge following online learning.
And, importantly, we want to recognise the achievements, and contributions of our graduating Year 12 VCAL and VCE students and to farewell them as a school community. They certainly deserve this.
So much to look forward to!
This edition of Alba contains essential information about progress reports and supports for VCE students.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We are keenly aware of not having had Parent Teacher Interviews this year, and are in the process of considering how we might conduct these this term. We will be in touch with you about this.
Gym redevelopment
We are very excited that this long-awaited building project is almost complete! It looks great and will be an excellent addition to the Health and PE facilities, as well as for our Junior School students. It will be ready for use in Term 4.