Senior School Report  

Term 3 didn’t go as planned for our senior students. 

Our Year 11 and 12 students came back to school Term 3, but only lasted for a couple of weeks. Once again, our students have adapted really well to the change and should be commended for it.


Information from the State Government and the Education department. 

Please take note of the following dates that have been changed again.

  • VCAA - GAT (General Achievement Test) : Will now be on Wednesday 7 October (first week in Term 4) This is compulsory for any student studying a Unit 3/4 subject wanting to do the external exams.
  • VCAA External Exams : Tuesday 10  November to Wednesday 2 December (these dates haven’t changed)

The results from the Mid-year exams for Year 12 are on the Progress reports for Term 3. These reports are now available for families and students to have a look at.


Just reminding families that there is another exam period for all Year 12 students who are completing VCE for an ATAR. 

The timing of these Unit 3/4 Practice Exams has changed slightly due to our Stage 4 Lockdown.

They will now take place during the last two days of the September holidays: Thursday 1 October and Friday 2 October and the first two days of Term 4: Monday 5 October and Tuesday 6 October. 

They will then have their GAT on Wednesday 7 October.

Normal classes will commence Thursday 8 October.


As stated previously,  all this assessment that is taking place is to enable us to best prepare our students for their final exams, it is important that students and families are aware that marks may change due to statistical moderation, the GAT and individual student ranking. 


We have booked ‘Equal ED’ who will be running workshops for our 12 VCE students in September. These workshops will be done remotely.


ABCN Focus has finally commenced again this year. It is a leadership program for girls. Twelve Year 11 girls have been selected and they will be working with a mentor from TAL (Life Insurance). Again this is all going to be done remotely.


Year 11 students have selected their subjects and courses for 2021. 

I just want to remind families that students still need to meet the ‘Promotion Policy’ from Year 11 into Year 12, regardless of the choices that students make. Please have a look at the ‘Senior Sub School handbook’ that was given to families during Term 1 as it explains the policy.


Coordinators will also be contacting families if their child is at risk of not meeting the Promotion Policy.


We are running weekly assemblies with our senior students to touch basis with them to see how they are going.


Year 11 VCAL students have started their Cert I in Financial Literacy. This is a program run by The Smith Family. It is an accredited TAFE qualification.

Again, we would like to thank parents who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences. The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on if you have any queries or concerns about your child. 





Ms Stav Bekiaris

Senior Sub School Leader