Aerobics Update 

September 15-18 we went to nationals!!!


This was held at the Gold Coast Sports and Leisure centre and was composed of two competitions; AeroSchools Nationals and National Clubs Carnival.

Nationals is a chance for our athletes to show off all their hard work and compete in front of our country. Being a part of the MGC team created opportunities for team bonding as we came together to cheer for our teammates during their routines and experienced outside activities such as the surfers paradise slingshot and movie world. 

Our athletes came home with some FABULOUS results and we were awarded 3rd place for the overall champion club within Australia!!!!!!


On October 13th, we had the MGC Aerobics display and presentation night where our athletes showed off their routines one more time to parents and friends and awards were given out to specific athletes who showed various qualities throughout the year! 


Most importantly, a massive thanks to Ms Culvenor and all our outstanding coaches for all their hard work throughout the year! Especially to our head coach Claire who does so much for all of us!


Evelyn Gammon and Mila Eastick – Aerobics Captains