The Santos Science Experience

MGC students get to touch real human hearts when they attend The Santos Science Experience

The Santos Science Experience was a wonderful science program, showcasing a variety of sciences and activities! Six of us were sponsored by the Rotary Club of Richmond to attend the Melbourne University campus, and we had plenty of fun. This program spanned over three days, with us exploring at least two sciences each day. 


We met with other students with similar scientific interests and got to chat with university students undertaking subjects at Melbourne University, such as Food Science, Psychology, and Science/Art Majors. This personally opened my eyes to potential careers and pathways I could take for my future, and ideas that I can implement into my life. 


The activities covered a variety of sciences, such as biology, geology, anatomy, entomology and STEM! We explored the Melbourne University Anatomy Museum, the science exhibitions and were guided in scientific labs to complete experiments, such as genetic extraction and observing phenotypes in insects. We got to touch real human hearts and bones (plasticised, which is a preservation process) and play VR games with the other students!

It was a very fun experience, although it wasn’t the end just yet! Those who attended the Santos Science Experience were then invited to a Rotary Club of Richmond dinner, where we were to give a speech about our experiences. Along with the students who attended the Nelson Mandela Leadership Summit, we gave a speech about our experiences. Four out of the six who went to the Santos Science Experience attended, and we had a very nice time. 

We spoke with a past MGC teacher, the president of the Rotary Club of Richmond, as well as other esteemed members of the club. It was a very enjoyable experience, getting to know everyone and their contributions to Richmond and our world. Everyone was very supportive of our endeavours, and we hope to work with them in the future!


Overall, the experience at Melbourne University and the Richmond Rotary Club was amazing, and I cannot wait to see what the RCR will do next!


Leanne Leong, 10L1