This morning, Year 7 Normandy had the special privilege to make lunches to donate to Koondoola Primary School. The day began with the students preparing bags of lunches during PCG. A total of 40 lunches were prepared for the children. Bags contained various types of sandwiches and multiple flavours of milk. The bread was kindly donated by Bakers Delight in Mullaloo. 


On each bag was a small message reading, ‘Made for you with love by Year 7 students from Sacred Heart College’. Each student generously donated $2 to help fund the food. The lunches were kindly delivered by College parent, Mrs Mandy Malyniak. Many thanks also to the Food Technologies Department for their help.


Koondoola Primary School was very pleased with the lunches that would be given to needy children who often come to school without breakfast or lunch.









Mrs Rossana Hywood

Social Justice Administrator