Senior School







This will be my last Grammar News article. I have worked with the families and students of the Senior School since 2011. During that time I have been ‘school mum’ to a very, very large number of students. It has been a pleasure to watch students grow into independent, capable and informed young adults ready for the real world when they graduate from Oakleigh Grammar. I have seen and celebrated their achievements and successes each year, knowing that they continued to grow as individuals who accepted challenges and change as opportunities to learn. From cooking at camp to teaching in the classroom, I have spent time with students who have shared their concerns, made me laugh, sought help to work through problems, or simply wanted to tell me about their weekend. I will very much miss my daily drop-ins and conversations with them.  


The teachers of the Senior School are a committed, caring and dedicated group of professionals. They have supported and trusted my leadership, allowing me to make the required changes to improve the experience of our students and, more importantly, to obtain better outcomes for each individual. They have risen to overcome challenges presented by the past three years, to remain student centred in all that they do. Their hard work has been tempered by shared laughter, collaboration and friendship. They have never failed or left a student behind during this time because of their care and genuine interest in each student. Robust conversations, honest feedback and genuine collegiality have made it easier to implement change and improvements.


In particular, I would like to thank Manoj Patel and Andrew Phillips. As Year level Coordinators, their oversight of the well-being of students in the Senior school has been exemplary. We have shared much over the past three years, and working with them has been an absolute delight. Their honest and positive approach to their roles has provided students with more than just mentorship; each has brought experience, genuine care and interest in students, and a desire to help them reach their potential. I also wish to thank the beautiful Soula Mitsopoulos who has been with me from the very beginning. Her ability to deal with my blonde moments, finish my sentences, provide sage advice and keep me on track and organised, has definitely made my job easier and very enjoyable.  


Lastly. I thank the families of the Senior School for the trust they have shown me over the years, to guide and support their children to complete their secondary schooling at Oakleigh Grammar. It has been a rewarding experience for me.


Goodbye and thank you.


Sharron Frame

Head of Middle and Senior School

Year 12

The Graduates of 2022 spent their last week prior to the VCE examinations enjoying each other’s company at a number of events planned especially for them.


The staff and school survived the infamous Celebration Day on Monday, October 17. The students enjoyed wetting each other, and the sacrificial staff supervising them, and left without incident after they gift-wrapped the Head of School’s car!


Tuesday commenced with a special Blessing in our parish church, conducted by Father Stavros. Each student received an icon of our patron saints and a special prayer for them in preparation for their examinations. A large number of parents then joined the school community to farewell the class of 2022 on Tuesday at our Farewell Assembly, followed by morning tea in the Common Room. It was such a pleasure to be able to share this experience with family members. The assembly recognised the work and dedication of VCE teachers who have worked with the Class of 2022 and finished with the students receiving a flower from our Preps who will eventually be our Class of 2034.


Graduation Dinner took place at Merrimu Receptions on Thursday night.


Toni Stathopoulos, 2022 School Captain, summed up the feeling of the students when she said:

“The universal truth that we all must face, whether we want to or not, is that everything eventually ends…. But endings are inevitable, and you learn to say goodbye…. although it may be human nature to dwell, ultimately, I cannot help but also feel exceptionally thankful to have experienced something that makes saying goodbyes so hard.”


This was echoed by Chris Tsiagalos, 2022 School Captain, who also reflected:


“… over the past 15 years I’ve spent at Oakleigh Grammar, I begin to realise how important this school is to me. It’s a place that has not only educated me, but its core foundations based on Christian Orthodox values have shaped me into the person I am today.”  


Thank you to the Class of 2022. You have been wonderful to work with, despite drama, uncertainty, and completing your journey in the year that followed COVID lockdowns. Your inclusion of your teachers and myself in your celebrations meant we all danced and finished the night enjoying each other’s company. Good luck and best wishes for your examinations and may all your dreams become a reality.



Year 10 and 11







As our senior students prepare for their examinations, they are reminded to start their preparation early so that they may be best equipped to achieve their best. 


Our school theme for 2022 states “success is ours to achieve” which is appropriate as we come to the close of this year’s academic classes. The partnership between students, teachers and home is such an important one that ensures success is achievable. We teach our students they are not alone on this journey and that the support from the above, as well as their peers, is what will guide them to success. 


Students have had their examination timetables set and revision material sent out so they can organise their revision programme. Soon after examinations are complete, students will prepare for the next phase of their learning as they participate in the transition programme. During this time, students will complete lessons for their 2023 subjects to give them a head start on next year’s content. 


This will be a busy period but will provide students with a vital opportunity to prepare for the year to come. I encourage our students to wholeheartedly participate and take on the challenge of self-improvement. This will make the holidays that much more enjoyable. 


Manoj Patel

Years 10 & 11 Coordinator