Deputy Principals Report







The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Examinations for 2022 have now begun. Across our state and far beyond, tens of thousands of people, both young and old are challenging themselves in a test of knowledge and skills in a multitude of subjects and disciplines. Here at Oakleigh Grammar, our wonderful students are well prepared to take the examinations before them and test their “mettle” against their cohort and all other VCE students.


Examinations, in general, have developed a poor image over time. The claims that they do not develop independent learners, or don’t represent what students “do in the real world” or even limit understanding of the subject matter to the test, had gained much noise and traction within some educational circles. However, it is a limited perspective that touts such thinking. Examinations have, do and will continue, to play an important role in the formation of quality learning, and represent a key indicator of success for individual achievement and growth and placement amongst peers in an increasingly challenging world.


The purpose of examinations is not just in the measurement and analysis of achievement but in the process of planning and preparation for them. This process is in itself a deepening of learning and skill development. Like exercising, studying for purpose enable the memory to strengthen in the practice of information retrieval and application. It strengthens memory pathways for future use as it affects the biological self in brain organisation and development.


Examinations are difficult. They are challenging on mental and learning levels. This is not only their purpose but also their gift to so many students. The challenge of study, the opportunity to deepen learning and skills and the potential to achieve on a level playing field are the positive benefit we see in examinations.


As our Oakleigh Grammar students continue with their VCE examinations, and the students in the Middle and Senior Schools prepare for examinations and other assessments to complete their 2022 studies, we keep in mind the benefits of formalised testing and wish every student in our School, focused study time, energy of effort and the will to achieve.


Lance Ryan

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning










Inaugural House Arts Competition

During term 3, we launched a new House competition across the whole school. In the Middle School and Senior School, the theme chosen by the student leaders was Escape the Ordinary.  This provided students with the opportunity to express their creativity in a variety of media – photography, painting, digital art, mixed media, drawing and movie making.


We would like to thank all the students that took the time to participate. All students that did submit an entry received House points, with points also allocated for the top prizes in each category.  Bradman was placed first overall followed by Fraser and Rose. 


The following students are to be particularly commended:


Digital Media


DrawingMixed MediaPhotography 

1st Mabon Kang


1st Melissa Long1st Maria Tounoussidis1st Toni Stathopoulos

2nd Amelia Ivanova


2nd Allegra Keddie 

2nd Ben Carmody

Helena Kassabian

3rd Ellie Tourogianis


3rd Mary Paronis  


Their prizes will be awarded in the next assembly.



Australian History Competition

Earlier in the year, a number of Years 7 and 10 students were nominated to compete in the Australian History Competition. This is an annual competition with students from all over Australia competing.  The students were challenged to answer 50 questions in one hour. 


We wish to acknowledge those that achieved the highest for our School:

Year 7                   

Eliyah Mawal                   Distinction

Olivia Frank                      Credit 

Mohneet Kaur                 Merit

Varshitha Paravasthu    Merit


Year 10                 

Sotiris Bakalis                  Credit

Jordan Keramidas           Credit

Jake Thompson               Credit

Olivia McLeod                 Merit


Their prizes will be awarded in the next assembly.


Peter Dickinson

Deputy Principal - Operations