The Arts

News from the Art Rooms 

Oakleigh Grammar 2022 Arts Show – ‘Crea-tree-vity’


Dear Parents and Guardians, 


The annual Oakleigh Grammar Arts Show is an amazing exhibition of student work in the areas of Arts and Design, across the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, and we’re inviting you to help celebrate our wonderful students’ work.


This year, the show is themed ‘Crea-tree-vity’ and is a playful combination of the words ‘creativity’ and ‘tree’. The theme symbolises a growth mindset and perseverance over adverse conditions, especially after the global pandemic of the last couple of years. In addition, we are excited to present student works created under the tutelage and guidance of our Artist-in-Residence George Petrou, alongside some work from the artist himself. Please join us!


Date: Thursday 3 November 2022 

Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm (latest entry will be at 6:30pm

Doors will open at 3:45pm in Room 302, where you will be able to enjoy cheese platters and soft drinks (you must pre-order your $5 cheese platter through the ticketing link below). 


The exhibition will officially start with the presentation of student awards at 4:20pm, after which you are invited to view the exhibition and admire our students’ works at your leisure. 


Please support our Arts and Design department and assist us in shining a light on students’ wonderful achievements in creativity and innovation – register to attend the Crea-tree-vity Arts Show and pre-order your cheeseplatter now.  


We look forward to seeing you,


Nick Karakottas                                                        

VCE Academic Leader & MYP Learning Leader - Arts


Sharron Frame    

Head of Middle & Senior Schools 


Shelley Parkes

Head of Junior School


News from the Art Rooms

Years 6, 7, 8 and 10 


Picasso was quoted as saying that “Every child is an artist; the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up? That’s where I come in as an Art and Design teacher. 

I can’t emphasise enough the importance of the Arts in fostering creative thinking skills which are so in demand in today’s modern world and even more important is the development of students’ self-esteem in order to believe in the fact that anything is possible. So, it goes without saying that a really inspiring art program has the ability to grow both. 


This year I have had the privilege to work with years 6-10 which was a nice change from my usual VCE load. I had the task of creating units that were engaging and included the skills and knowledge required for succeess in the senior years and beyond. I enjoyed designing themes that captured the interest and most importantly the imagination of the students 

We studied artists and art movement from the past and also delighted in exploring many contemporary artists too. Students were encouraged to documented their journey within the steps of the design process, which more often led to the creation of excellent original and expressive artworks and designs.   


It’s no secret that as an Arts educator I am continually growing my creativity and that working with children definitely has kept me in touch with my inner child. 


Lastly, I don’t mind sharing that I am in awe of the talent and creativity of our students here at Oakleigh Grammar!


Mrs Rosa Avzangelis

Art & Design Teacher