Around the College

Year 10 Human Movement - Victorian Institute of Sport Visit

For our human movement class, we had an excursion to MSAC to visit the VIS (Victorian Institute Sport). We saw all the different equipment that the athletes use to train for the Olympics, or other professional sports. We were also able to look at the altitude chamber and understand how they train athletes at different altitudes. We also saw where the VO2 max test is conducted and were given a brief overview on how it is done. 


Lastly we were shown a PowerPoint on the university degrees, career and job opportunities within sports science and at the VIS, which a lot of us found helpful, as most of us are looking for careers in that area. Overall, the experience was really good, and we were glad to have had the opportunity to be able to attend it.


Arusha Mane

Year 10


Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge Round 2 2022

The 2022 Bebras Australia Computational Thinking Challenge is part of an international initiative that promotes Computational Thinking amongst students. Bebras is aligned with and supports the Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum.


Congratulations to the following students for their achievements:


Year 9

Alex Tari: High Distinction

Zac Hnatko: High Distinction

Jamie Katic: Distinction

David Scott: Distinction

Finn Malcom: Distinction


Year 10

Archie Halliwell: Distinction

Gabe Slatem: Distinction


Ounsane Siriamphone

eLearning and Technology Support Leader


All a buzz at Glen Eira College

Last week the school yard was visited by a swarm of bees during lunchtime. Thank you to our Facilities Manager Eric for donning his bee keeping gear and taking them to a new home away from the College.