GECPA Term 4

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” Muhammad Ali


I recently had the privilege of hosting two GEC students during their work placement week (late October). Work placement provides students with the opportunity to work in a specific role within an organisation for a period of time, with the support of a supervisor. Do you remember your first day at work? I think it took real courage for them just to turn up. 


I firmly believe that applied work experience is important for students. It benefits students by providing them with the opportunity to experience the ‘world of work’. I also believe it helps them to better understand the reason(s) for their education and the practical application of knowledge. It is the coalescence of a range of skills taught at school. They did so well!


What I learned during the experience is that it’s not just about the technical skills of a particular job that are important. It is also the personal skills/behaviour required in a professional work environment that matter as well. Did I mention how well they did?


They were able to:

  • Concentrate (it’s a long day filled with people talking).
  • Collect, analyse & organise information (and keep track of tasks).
  • Demonstrate the ability to be flexible (getting pulled into other meetings).
  • Understand and carry out instructions (if you don’t – ask again). 
  • Use technology - equipment & materials.
  • Accepting critique or being instructed to change.

As an organisation, we benefited from having them on site. I would offer to host other GEC work placement students in a heartbeat. I wish both students all the best as they navigate school and make decisions about future directions. 


Happy to chat with anyone thinking of taking up this opportunity next year. 


Similarly, for those of you who are interested, our next GECPA meeting is scheduled for 15 November at 7:30pm (possible virtual event). As always you are welcome to attend. Send us an email (address above) and we will forward the agenda and the link.


Please feel free to reach out with ideas and if you can contribute:


Nicole Bishop

Convenor, Glen Eira College Parents Association

GECPA Committee Roles

We are looking for volunteers for various roles and/or short-term assignments, such as the coordination of the November election stall. Please get in touch if you can help! More descriptions on roles and responsibilities in the next mailchimp.

Working Bees: Our next Working Bee will be on Sunday 20 November 3pm

Meet on Booran Road near the entrance to the College. We need volunteers to do things like sweep leaves and pick up litter, mulching and strengthen the fencing on recent garden plantings. 

2nd Hand Uniforms 

The next secondhand uniform stall will be held this Friday 28th October at 3pm outside the library area on Level 1. Come to get your child’s uniform items for the warmer weather. Prices are in the table below.



Students may also purchase uniform by themselves. Payment is by cash or eftpos. If paying by eftpos, please ensure students either have the card or card details with them.


If you are unable to make it to this stall, there will also be our last stall for the year on Tuesday 13th December at 3pm in the PAC area. New families joining GEC in 2023 are most welcomed to attend both secondhand uniform stalls.


If you wish to donate your child’s GEC uniform, they can be left at the school office. We appreciate your generosity and believe in giving these items a second life.


We would also like to request for families and students not to throw away their textbooks and calculators but to donate them to the school for other students to use.


Any questions in the meantime – please drop us a line.


November election information


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