Lifelinehttps://www.lifeline.org.au/ 13 11 44Chat online and text services available

Beyond Bluehttps://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 1300 224 636Chat online available

Kids Helplinehttps://kidshelpline.com.au/ 1800 551 800Chat online available | 24/7

Headspacehttps://headspace.org.au/ 1800 650 890Chat online available | eheadspace

Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the ‘Peaceful Kids’ Training Program. This program is familiar to the Sacred Heart staff and some children. The Peaceful Kids program includes a range of mindfulness strategies, positive psychology exercises, mindful movement and a guided meditation practice to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. 


Topics covered during the training days included feelings, coping strategies, positive thoughts, effects of worrying on the brain and body, what we worry about, journaling, gratitude, problem solving, kindness and compassion. 

By nurturing, guiding and supporting the wellbeing of our children, we can help them achieve their full potential, academically, socially and emotionally.


Julie Leonard

Religious Education Leader

Wellbeing Leader