Deputy Principal

Katie Vranken

This week I have had the privilege to attend some of the swimming lesson sessions with different levels across the school. All students should be congratulated on the way in which they conduct themselves at the pool. There have been very focused students, trying things they may not be comfortable with and demonstrating resilience across all levels.  In just a week, there has been some massive progress with confidence and ability. We look forward to seeing how much they improve over the next week. Below are some Photos of the Foundation and year 1/2 students enjoying their lesson.

With the beautiful sunshine the last few days and the huge amount of rain we have had over the last couple of months, the new frogs have appeared at the edge of the oval and the students have been investigating all of the stages of development with the frogs. Today there was a lot of tadpole searching and looking at small froglets in the water around the edge of the oval. There were lots of amazing questions and comparisons between different groups!  It just goes to show what an amazing area we are so lucky to go to school in!

PSG Dates this term

PSG meetings will occur this term the week beginning 28th November.  PSGS will run for all funded students. They will run Monday 28th Tuesday 29th November, Wednesday 30th November and Friday 2nd December.  More information about bookings will be published in a later newsletter.