Hello from 3/4 Koalas

3/4 Koalas had a busy, but delightful Term 3. We continued to work hard, learning new skills in literacy and numeracy and creating lifelong memories with our peers.


In English, we continued practicing partner and whole class reading to build our fluency skills. Our focus for the term was expression and tone, but also remembering to phrase sentences and stop at correct punctuation. We have really enjoyed daily fluency, as it builds our confidence, and we are able to share and receive feedback from our friends and teachers. In writing, we explored different informative texts. We became good researchers by plucking out important information that was relevant to our research and created a biography on settlers from the first fleet to link with our history unit - First Contacts. In Term 4, we are studying Poetry, we will look at different forms of poetry and identify poetic devices that are often used in other styles of writing. We are also focusing on sentence structures and further building our knowledge of what a good sentence entails. In reading, we are exploring ‘Charlotte’s Web’ to build comprehension and make connections.


In Maths, we continue to explore different ways we can showcase our working out. We like to prove it 3 ways and create strong discussions on how we achieved our answer using mathematical vocabulary. We have been enjoying using our hands-on materials to firmly consolidate our learning, and we’re getting really good at using our mental strategies to solve different problems by breaking up large numbers.


In Creative Arts, we looked at mime and role plays in Drama. Our fluency lessons have helped us use facial expressions to create emotion and meaning in our role plays. It has been so much fun to watch our friends act out a scene and we have to guess what they are acting out. It’s almost like playing charades on Monday afternoons.


For sport, we really enjoyed the outdoor experience of fishing, tennis and walking. As part of school sport we learnt how to play T-Ball. In addition to our new soccer goals and marked lines, we also spent some time learning the skills and rules of soccer. We will continue to build relationships with our classmates and peers by developing fair play and encouraging others to try when they are not confident in the skill we are learning. We are dancing this term with Footsteps and Miss Khaika can’t wait to bring out her dance moves as we extend our dancing skills.


We have had such a wonderful time so far and will continue working hard.


Miss Khaika