
Our teachers here at Windang Public School continue to show enthusiasm and dedication towards further developing their skills in teaching Mathematics. In Week 1, Ms Stewart, Miss Kemp, Mrs U and our newly appointed teacher who joins our team in 2023, Miss Hawkins, participated in the Anita Chin Mathematics Leadership two day conference where they collaborated with 18 other schools, learnt more innovative ways to engage children in Mathematics, and took a deep dive into syllabus content so they are well prepared to teach any Mathematics concept! 


Mrs Davies and Mrs Kocovska also attended the conference in a leadership capacity, working with Anita Chin to upskill staff. Mrs Davies shared the wonderful Mathematics teaching and learning that happens at Windang Public School, shining a light on just how amazing our school is!


We always work very hard to make sure we are the best possible teachers we can be at Windang Public School!