Swimming lessons

Hola, parents/caregivers,
Swimming lessons are back this year in Term 4. Students and teachers will be picked up at the school at different times and dropped off at our school again after the 45 min class. Swimming coaches and our teachers will supervise students before, during and after each session.
Please ensure your children bring their labelled swimming wear, towel and a separate bag (for wet clothes) in the following days. Please make sure all items are labelled with your child's name.
Payments can be made via SENTRAL, and the due date is 24/10/22.
Find swimming lesson details below for each cohort.
- Location: Coburg Leisure Centre Swimming pool
- Dates:
- 3/11 Thursday - F/1 ABDEF
- 4/11 Friday - F/1 ABCGH
- 7/11 Monday - F/1 CGHDEF
- 10/11 Thursday - F/1 ABDEF
- 11/11 Friday - F/1 ABCGH
- 17/11 Thursday - F/1 CGHDEF
- Number of sessions: 4
- Times:
- First session - 12:00 - 12:45
- Second session - 12:45 - 1:30
- Location: Coburg Leisure Centre Swimming pool
- Dates:
- 3/11 Thursday
- 4/11 Friday
- 7/11 Monday
- 10/11 Thursday
- 11/11 Friday
- 17/11 Thursday
- 18/11 Friday
- Number of sessions: 7
- Times:
- First session - 10:30 - 11:15 (2/3 ABC)
- Second session - 11:15 - 12:00 (2/3 DEF)
- Location: Coburg Leisure Centre Swimming pool
- Dates:
- 8/11 Tuesday
- 9/11 Wednesday
- 14/11 Monday
- 15/11 Tuesday
- 16/11 Wednesday
- 21/11 Monday
- 22/11 Tuesday
- Number of sessions per class: 7
- Times:
- First session - 10:30 - 11:15 (4/5/6 A)
- Second session - 11:15 - 12:00 (4/5/6 D)
- Third session - 12:00 - 12:45 (4/5/6 C)
- Fourth session - 12:45 - 1:30 (4/5/6 B)
Please get in touch with me on Sentral should you have any questions.
Raul - Health and PE teacher