
It's Happening!
Yes, we can officially say that the building works have been well and truly started. They have begun preparing the area for the new buildings.
Minister of Education Nathalie Hutchins officially opened the construction works by turning the 'first' sod of soil. Our school student leaders - Bronte, Fatma, Manuel and Elanor, took the minister on a tour of the school, highlighting our classrooms and Spanish Bilingual learning approach. Many photos were taken to record the moment, which the minister's office will provide.
I would, at this point, like to acknowledge the work of our local member of state parliament - Robin Scott. He has consistently advocated for improving the schools in Preston, and we as a school are very grateful for his support over the many years, I have been principal of Newlands Primary School.
First Week Update
We have officially moved the main office and reception to the building, which was the staffroom and music classroom. The entrance is via the automatic door at the rear of the building. Our communication systems - telephone, internet and SENTRAL are up and running.
We need to remind all families that they need to upload the SENTRAL app to their smartphones. This is an essential form of communication between the school and families, as well as contacting all families in case of a genuine school emergency.
It would be helpful if we had all families registered to receive the school newsletter through their phone or another device also.
Rob & Daisy - classrooms
Their classroom readiness has been delayed, unfortunately, for another week.
Driveway access
A reminder that the driveway access after 8.30 a.m. is for pedestrians. Access to parent cars is prohibited.
Newsletter calendar
We have added additional school information to the calendar.
Our school concert is now just around the corner. We ask that families ensure bus permission and payment are provided and costumes are brought into school on Monday at the latest.
Permission notice - Monday rehearsal
This is a reminder that parents must sign their child's permission form on SENTRAL to travel by bus and attend Monday's rehearsal at LaTrobe University. Please do not worry about the bus cost; we need all students to participate in the rehearsal.
Excursion reminder
The Term 4, F/1 Science Incursion details are now on Sentral. Permission and payment for this are due by the 20th of October.