Dates to Remember 


2022 Dates to Remember

 Term 4


3rd Monday - Term 4 Commences 

13th Thursday - Whole School Assembly 2.40pm

19th Wednesday - Art Show 6pm - 7.30pm

26th Wednesday - Italian Day

31st Monday - School Closure Day



1st Tuesday - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

4th Friday - School Dinner Dance (time TBC)

10th Thursday - Whole School Assembly 2.40pm

11th Friday - Working Bee (5.00 - 6.30pm)

18th Friday - Athletics Carnival (Parade Preston)



1st Thursday - Christmas Carols Night

2nd Friday - School Closure Day

8th Thursday - Whole School Assembly 2.40pm

16th Friday - Last day of the 2022 school year (3.20 dismissal)