Classroom News

Prep, Year 1, Year 2
A new term and a new Inquiry topic (Living and Non-Living Things) called for new Discovery Learning stations! The P-2s could not wait to explore the new stations this week. It was so wonderful to see every student engaged in what they were doing, asking questions to one another, working cooperatively with their peers and using their imaginations.
We cannot wait for another special Discovery Centre surprise - Coming this Friday, 7th October!
Prep Holidays bags and playdough making.
The preps have been using their Holiday Bags in writing this week. All students were asked to collect an object/ photos that would give them some great inspiration for writing. Everyone's school holidays sounded exciting!
On Wednesday we also had some fun making our very own playdough! We made some ORANGE playdough which we will use with the Grade 1's and 2's during Discovery in our playdough centre. The preps loved that it was warm! Here is the recipe if you would like to give it a try at home
Coding Club
Come one, come all to Coding Club every Tuesday at Lunchtime. There will be Sphero Balls to experiment with and games to play. Come to Coding Club because you WILL have fun! SEE YOU THERE! - Brian and Liam (ICT Captains)
It's really cool that I can control the ball with the iPad! - Christopher
I really like how the balls can change colour! - Aylah
Year 3/4
On Tuesday the choir students in Year 2/3/4 visited the Good Start Early Learning kinder. They sang some songs for the staff, parents and the little students.
Roman - We participated in a smoking ceremony.
Maxie - My little sister Monique goes to the kindergarten; she is nearly 3 years old.
Yianna - When we were there, it reminded me of when I went to kinder.
Veer - It was a lot of fun singing the songs and entertaining the audience.
Adam - I had fun meeting my sister’s old kindergarten teacher.
Year 4/5 and Year 5/6
On the last day of term 3, the students in Year 4/5 and 5/6 celebrated their inquiry learning Óur Stories' by visiting the Preston Market and walking along High Street. A focus of this walk was to see how immigration has shaped Australia, we heard the stories of some of our families who have shops in High Street. We also got the chance to buy foods from different cultures at the market.
Amelia - it was really fun getting our food and asking about people's stories.
Julian - it was really fun and the food was great. It was interesting talking to people at the market and hearing their stories. I learnt things I didn't know before.
Mili - it was fun, looking at the different food stalls with Rose Lee.