Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Welcome back to term four. I hope you were able to enjoy some time with your family and if you are a Geelong supporter, celebrate a magnificent year in football. This term is an extremely exciting and busy term, so I ask that you stay abreast of all school events through our weekly newsletter.
Tuesday was the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. St Francis is embraced for his concern for the environment and love of all its creatures great and small. As parts of Australia are on alert for another serious flooding event, we pray that we can be people who appreciate, respect and take care of our environment.
I would like to warmly welcome our new Year Five student Jemimah and her family to our school community. Already and in just four days, Jemimah has shown that she is going to be an enthusiastic, well behaved and respectful student. Welcome Jemimah, we are so lucky to have you joining our school community.
Adam Saad Cup
No it's not an excuse to put a photo in of a Carlton footballer! In fact our Year Five and Six students have been invited to participate in the Adam Saad Cup for primary school students. The game is a modified game of AFL with mixed gender teams. Tomorrow and next Friday our Year Five/Six students will have a session with an AFL development officer and a team will then be chosen to represent our school in the cup later in October. Further details will follow for those students chosen to represent our school.
Icy Poles
We will commence selling icy poles tomorrow and will do so each Friday of this term. Thank you to Jodi for organising this venture which is not only appreciated by all our students but is a valuable fund raiser for our school.
Choir visit to Goodstart Early Learning Centre
Last Tuesday members of our choir and our Year Two and Year Three/Four classes were invited to perform at Goodstart Early Centre in Preston as it celebrated 12 months since opening. As usual when our school choir performs, the audience on the day were left with a great impression of our school. Thank you to Kate who organised the visit and all our students who performed.
Parents and Friend's News/Dinner Dance
Tomorrow morning we have a Parents and Friend's meeting at 9.00am in the staffroom. All parents are warmly welcomed to attend as we continue preparations for our upcoming dinner dance.
Swimming Program (Year Prep - Year Four)
Firstly I would like to apologise for what seems like last minute arrangements for our swimming program. We have in fact been in consultation with the swimming program coordinators since early second term. As indicated in the media, it has been very difficult for them to find qualified instructors with a program only being offered to us in the last week of school last term.
The program commences on Monday and will take place each day of next week except Friday.
Please be aware that the pool now stipulates all children must wear a swimming cap. A quick google search for swim caps shows they can be bought at Kmart, Target, Big W and Rebel Sport. They range in cost from $5.00 to $10.00.
Term Four Dates
Due to restrictions on staff professional development these past two years, schools have been given permission to have an extra school closure day for professional development in 2022. The day before the Melbourne Cup public holiday will be our fourth school closure day and our extra day will now be on the 2nd December which will be a Friday. On this day staff will be planning for the 2023 school year.
Visual Art Show: Wednesday 19th October (Commencing at 6.00pm with an opening ceremony in our multi purpose room with show concluding around 7.20pm)
Italian Day: Wednesday 26th October
Pre Melbourne Cup School Closure Day: Monday 31st October
Dinner Dance: Friday 4th November
Working Bee: Friday 11th November (5.00-6.30pm) TBC
Last Day of School: Friday 16th December (3.20 dismissal)
Please take care.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney
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