Junior School

Junior School News - Term 1 Week 3, 2022


The Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information Evening online sessions held last night were very well attended. I would like to thank the many parents/carers who were able to join us for this event as we seek to ensure that each boy is given the opportunity to reach their potential in the Junior School.


A key practical point emphasised during the sessions was the importance of the College Diary in the daily life of all students. I am sure by now you have all read and signed the necessary pages in the front section of the diary. I trust you have also been able to read and have a conversation with your son about his goals for Semester One.


By now, all parents/carers have also been sent a curriculum overview document, in addition to a welcome note from your son’s class teacher, outlining additional information for the year ahead. Please do not hesitate to contact your son’s teacher if you have any questions about either of these documents.


Next week, all Year 5 students will be involved in Belonging Day, an important annual event which represents the first step on an eight-year journey of formation events such as retreats and reflection days. Throughout the course of the day, students will explore aspects of their own lives and stories, whilst connecting with new peers and reflecting on their place in the St Patrick’s College community. The boys will also begin to examine the story of Blessed Edmund Rice, which is a crucial element of their induction into the life and charism of the College. Please note that further information regarding this event has already been sent to parents/carers. 


The initial stage of the Year 5 Instrumental Program has also begun in earnest for all students, and it was most pleasing to witness the excitement so many boys felt as they lined up outside the Duffy Music Centre before their sessions. Please do not hesitate to contact our Ensemble Coordinator, Dr David Taylor (david.taylor@spc.nsw.edu.au) if you have any questions about this valuable program.


On another note, a friendly reminder of the process regarding leave applications from school for students. Any leave requests of 1-2 days in length are to be emailed directly to me. However, applications for leave which exceed this duration are to be emailed to the Director of Wellbeing, Mr Robert Simpson (robert.simpson@spc.nsw.edu.au) who will make a determination on the application received before communicating the outcome to parents/carers. Further information, including copies of the relevant leave forms, can be found here on the College website.


As a staff, we are looking forward to working with your boys, in partnership with you, to make the most of their time at St Patrick’s College in 2022. Considering this, it is my pleasure to outline the wider Leadership Team in the Junior School and highlight their relevant email address. Please do not hesitate to contact any one of these staff members if you have a specific enquiry.

Administration CoordinatorMs Meagan Compton (meagan.compton@spc.nsw.edu.au)
Co-curricular Coordinator

Mr John Locke 


Curriculum Coordinator

Mr Daniel Fields


Learning Support and Enrichment Coordinator

Mrs Sarah Tatola 


Religious Education Coordinator

Mrs Jacinta Young 


As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au or by phone on 8705 9247 and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.


May God bless you,


Glenn Stephenson

Director of Junior School