From the Principal

Dear families of Killester,


Our Gospel this week comes from Mark:


“Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see things happening, know that the Son of Man is near…Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Mark 13, 24-32


For me the most stark element to our Gospel this week is the inducement to hope, hope that our God will always walk with us through adversity. Pope Francis has spoken and written significantly throughout his reign on the virtue of hope and on his reflection that "prayer is an act of hope that leads us to God". Staff and students at Killester commence each day in prayer and in doing so begin each day with the virtuousness of hope in our hearts. This hope is what has sustained us through the challenges the pandemic has laid at our door, and, it is what inspires us to continue to see the joys and daily blessings that are created, encouraged and enriched by our staff and students.


Last week celebrated World Teachers Day; staff at Killester were presented with a mico-herb planting kit as a token of appreciation for all of the incredible work they do to support the students of Killester:



I congratulate our Year 11 leaders who reverently led our community Remembrance Day service yesterday, they conducted a very dignified and appropriate service for us all. 

I encourage parents to pay particular attention to the Wellbeing Page where Ms Neville and Mr Harte reiterate the College expectations regarding the correct wearing of the College uniform. How our students wear our uniform and then conduct themselves in public is a significant reflection of what we as a community value. We ask all parents to support us as we ensure our students present themselves in the best way possible both at school and in public. 


Our drive for the collection of goods for the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project will begin in earnest in the coming weeks. Families are asked to assist in the collection of essential items for asylum seekers and those in significant need. There is a list of specifically required items in each homeroom. 


Year 12 exams are fast coming to an end and I congratulate the VCE students who have conducted themselves with great accomplishment in preparation for their exams. The VCAL students are also to be congratulated for the work they have done in completing their competencies. The graduation class of 2021 are a remarkably resilient and hopeful group of students and we look forward to celebrating their achievements on November 18. 


Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish the many families in our community who celebrated Dawali last weekend belated best wishes, and we pray that Dilwali brings happiness, prosperity and joy to you and all your families, 


Yours sincerely,

Sally Buick
