Principal's News

Year 3/4 students have been mixing tints and shades to create these amazing ice-creams.

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well we got our 5/6 students and teachers of to camp. I think we all waited with bated breath for Wednesday to arrive and get them on the bus! I was with them on Wednesday and they were super excited and they were enjoying all the activities. I am so pleased they made it to camp!

Speaking of excited children - our 1/2 children (and teachers) were very excited today - they have finally gone on their excursion to the Enchanted Maze at Arthurs Seat. They ran into school this morning with big smiles, jumping up and down to get on the bus and then I received a lovely video from the children when they arrived.



The new Governance structure that has come into affect this year, has created some changes in what can be paid via CDF Pay. From  2022, NO school fees can be paid into CDF Pay. 


COVID LAYER in Primary Schools

We are so lucky to have our restrictions lessen so much, so we can begin to enjoy spending time with family and friends.


However, the Covid Layer for us here at school will be different, as we are dealing with children who are unvaccinated. Please read any communication that comes to you either via SkoolBag or email as changes are happening quite quickly. 


I sent home a letter from MACS on Friday regarding the changes that will occur now we are 90% vaccinated. Please remember the following COVID restrictions for us:

  • Face Masks are required or staff, visitors and Years 3-6 students, indoors only
  • If a positive case were to occur in schools, children and staff in that classroom only have to isolate until they get a negative result from a PCR testing location (not a rapid antigen test). This result is usually back between 12 and 24 hours. I have to sight the evidence of a negative test result. Please send this via email to either or 
  • I am still awaiting communication in regards to density quota’s for our hall, which will impact our end of year assembly as to whether it will be recorded or we can have parents attend

Please see the link for a letter to parents: 



Our concert preparations are going smoothly and we will be starting to record the concert next week. The concert will be available to view on…..Your child may have come home with their costumes requirements, below is a list of costumes for your child.  Mrs Sullivan has asked that students not come with coloured hair spray.

  • plain bright coloured T shirt (no logo. These are cheap at Kmart/Big W/ Target) 
  • leggings
  • sneakers/runners
  • head and wrist sweatbands. Bright colours. 
1/2 R
  • Costume - bright coloured clothes (can be worn with jeans); may include a tutu if you wish; spiky/Crazy Hair
  • Costume - Monochrome outfit - choose a colour an wear as much of that colour
  • Maybe wear a hat, wig, hair clips or accessories to match
  • Costume - Dark coloured pants/jeans; bright coloured top (must be one colour); crazy hair, pigtails
  • 3/4 pants
  • colourful T Shirts with positive slogans on them such as -  be strong - be kind - give it a go - believe in yourself etc.
  • We have spoken about turning an old T shirt inside out and creating a slogan on the inside to wear.
3/4YAll the students have chosen a character that they would like to dress as. If by chance you can find clothes that are similar to what their character wears that would be fantastic. If not, please don't stress, they can just wear normal clothes. The one costume that we do need is the Scooby Doo costume. If anyone can get hold of an outfit that could be used for this it would be greatly appreciated.
4FAll black with a coloured headband
  • The crazier, non-matching the better 
  • t-shirts, shorts, longish skirts, long pants (need to be able to move in them but no active wear please)
  • odd socks, odd shoes, crazy hair or caps etc 
5/6Hwhite top (small logos are fine), jeans, runners and a cap. 

Black pants (jeans, leggings)

Plain tshirt (house colour top)

Coloured wig OR cap

  • Board Shorts
  • Rashy
  • Goggles
  • Swim cap or hat


Sunday 28th November marks the beginning of Advent. The Advent season focuses on expectation and it serves as an anticipation of Christ’s birth in the season leading up to Christmas. The church, during Advent, looks back upon Christ’s coming in celebration while at the same time looking forward in eager anticipation to the coming of Christ’s kingdom when he returns for his people. This makes sense when you have the understanding that the word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming,” which is a translation of the Greek word parousia


During Advent, we focus on God’s gift to the world- Jesus. Through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ, we receive many gifts. During Advent we focus on four- hope, peace, joy and love. Our Year Four students have been learning about these gifts and have contributed to  reflections for the first two weeks of Advent which will be shared with the Parish and used in Masses. Here is the first of these reflections.


Week 1 Advent- Hope


Naplan Readiness

In 2018, the National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) commenced the transition from a paper based to an online assessment. St Brigid’s is making the transition to NAPLAN Online via the conduct of the School Online Readiness Test (SRT) on Thursday 2nd December. This will involve our current Year Three and Year Five students. All schools in Australia are due to administer tests online in 2022. 


The SRT is intended to give schools an opportunity to confirm their ICT capacity, determine the most effective way to deliver NAPLAN Online and provide staff with an introduction to the online tests.


Gretting from Cheshire



We were so excited to receive this photo sent to us this week of Reuben M who has recently moved to England.  Reuben has just started secondary school and loves it.  Looking very smart Reuben!




St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal

Each year St Brigid's help our local chapter of St Vincent de Paul with their local food drive.  This year supplies are again critically low as we move towards the Christmas period.  We are asking all families to bring in a donation of groceries, toiletries or Christmas items.  We would like all donations by Friday 3 December.  


Some suggested donations are:

Foundation - Toiletries - shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste, tooth brushes, nappies, deodorant 

Year 1/2 - Chocolates and Lollies for Christmas

Year 3/4 - Tinned Fruit, Sweet and Savoury Biscuits

Year 5/6 - Tea Bags, Coffee, Milo, sugar

Or anything that you could use on a Christmas Table - Christmas pudding, mince pies, serviettes, bon bons.


Please check the 'use by' date on all items donated.  


Tuckshop News

Friday 26 November - Pasta Day

Get your orders in by 9:00pm tonight.

Friday 3 December - No tuckshop today - Sausage Sizzle as part of our Colour run day.

Friday 10 December - $1.00 Tuckshop Day - No lunch orders today.  Over the counter sales at recess and lunchtime.  Everything $1.00


I would like to thank Lisa and her fabulous team for all they have done with the Tuckshop this year.  I know Fridays are a favourite day at school for everyone - teachers included!!!


Thank you to Evergreen Christmas Trees

Evergreen Trees in Chelsea Heights have again donated a beautiful Christmas Tree to St Brigid's.  Our classes will be working on decorating the tree next week.  At the end of the school year we will give our decorated tree to the residents at Nixon House to spread some Christmas cheer.


Evergreen Christmas Trees open to the public on Saturday. Get in quick as they sold out in record time last year.  If you mention you are from St Brigid's 10% of the sale price will be donated to our school and you will go in the draw to win a free Christmas Tree next year.


Again a big thank you to Wendy and Lou Mertens.


Yours in partnership


Wendy Sullivan