Reporting Absences

Students are required by law to be in full-time attendance at school.  Generally speaking, that means every student, every day.  Of course, sometimes students need to take a day or more away from school.  When this happens the school is required to record a reason for that absence.  That reason must be provided by the student's parent or carer.  


Reporting on the reason for an absence can be done several ways.  An easy way is to use the Sentral Parents App or portal.  Click on the absence tile and you'll see if there any unexplained absences for your child(ren).  Please be sure to fill out the details for each unexplained absence.   You can also tell us of an absence in advance by clicking on the + at the top right of the absences section of the app or the "Notify of an Absence" button in the absences section of the portal.


A note in the student's diary is also an acceptable way of reporting a student absence, as is an email or a phone call.  


Starting soon, we intend to use the Sentral messaging feature to send a text message to parents when their student is absent from school.  Parents will be able to provide a reason for the absence by return text message.   


Thank you for helping us to meet our obligations in relation to student attendance.  Why not get on the Sentral Parents app now and check if your child has any unexplained absences.

How to Register for the Parent App



Feel free to contact Mrs Arnol at the front desk if you have any problems.  She'll be able to point you in the right direction.  - or 5024 5310


Sentral for Parents - The App


Newsfeed and Daily Notices

Receive newsfeed and daily notices about important events that relate to your child.




2-way messaging

Communicate directly with your child’s teacher in the app via 2-way messaging. View, download and upload documents.




Absence notifications

Send absence notifications to the school quickly and easily from within the app.






View calendar items to stay up to date with school events.






Conveniently view parent-teacher interview bookings.






View and make payments for school fees, uniforms and more.



Parent Portal 

The Sentral Parent Portal is the backbone of the Sentral for Parents app providing both a desktop and fully mobile solution.  The website will be available on desktop computers and tablets - anything with a web browser.