Community Notices 

Early Days is a series of FREE workshops for parents, grandparents, and families of young children (0-7 years) who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis or who are going through the assessment and diagnostic process. 


The workshops are held in small groups and give families opportunities to share ideas with each other. They are run by highly skilled and experienced early childhood professionals.


Encouraging Interaction Through Play & Social Learning 
  • This workshop will help you: Understand the importance of play, Learn ways to incorporate play into everyday life, learn fun practical strategies that encourage interaction with your child, and build on your child’s current interests.

Date: Thursday 18th November 2021 

Time: 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Venue: The Alfred Deakin Centre - Benetook Room | 190 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, VIC 3500