News from Prep

Narartives, Maths and Mappen

Continuing our Fairytale theme, we have added The Little Red Hen and the Gingerbread Man to our study of narratives.

We made magnificent fresh bread from scratch.

 The children did an excellent job of kneading the bread as you will see by the videos attached.

We sequenced the story using ordinal numbers, first, second, third etc and acted out the main parts of the story. We practised reading out only the words actually spoken.

Come and see our Little Red Hens display on our window!

We made gingerbread men from brown paper which we then stuffed with newspaper to make it 3 dimensional and decorated our own delicious gingerbread men with icing and M & Ms for buttons. Yum!  

We also did a dot to dot, crack the code and a tricky sequencing activity of the story.


In our writing, we are continuing to focus on starting with a capital letter, finishing with a full stop and leaving a finger space between words.


In Spelling, we concentrated on words that end in x such as fix, six, mix, box, fox. As well as, practising the Victorian Modern Cursive way of writing x. We also focused on the sound Qq. Our Soundwaves Spelling Program sees this as 2 sounds kw. We concentrated on reading and writing  quick, quit  and quiz. A reminder also to access the .au.

In Maths, we practised being able to sequence the days of the week in order. This is something you can continue to practise at home with your children. 


We looked at more vocabulary associated with length, such as, nearer, closer and further away.  The children had to use these words for their partner to find a hidden object. We also concentrated on the duration of time, for example, how long does it take to clap 10 times, take a picture, dance a Go Noodle - then the children ordered them into shortest to longest times. 


Last week we have been doing Volume and Capacity. We have been looking at the vocabulary that goes along with this, such as holds more, holds less, full, half full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty.

We also did a great experiment. We lined up six containers on a tray outside, poured exactly one cup of water into each container and marked where the water came to on the container using a whiteboard marker.  This led to a class discussion about why the line changes on each container. 

In Religion, we read the story of John the Baptist and also watched 2 short videos about a poor widow who gave a small offering to Jesus. Even though she only gave two small coins, Jesus said that she had given the most. 


The Widow's Coins Mark 12:41-44 

Kindergarten Year A Quarter 2 Episode 9 "The Poor Widow's Offering"


The whole school attended Mass on Wednesday for the first time in ages. To prepare the children for the Gospel, the children listened and discussed the well known story of the 10 lepers. (hilarious quote from a prep: What is a leper? “It's a bit like a cheetah but not as fast.”)

The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19)

43 Jesus Heals Ten Lepers


The children also attended a very moving ceremony for Remembrance Day.





The children really enjoyed the book week parade and the activities we did in our Well- being Groups in the morning.

In Inquiry, we made colourful butterflies. We learnt that the reason butterflies have colourful wings is to make themselves look like flowers so that birds and insects won’t be able to find them. 

Another reason why butterflies have colourful wings is because predators think that bright colours indicate something is poisonous. We made the butterflies sit on a flower. We painted one half of a butterfly template similar to our flower then folded our template in half for a few moments, then unfolded the paper to display the mirror image on the other wing. Our butterflies were well camouflaged in their flowers.

In Inquiry, we have been labelling body parts of animals and have created our own mixed up animal and labelled all the different body parts, such as antenna, eye, wing etc

Milton our Class toy continues to enjoy his adventures with the children.

Kind Regards


Mrs Maher

Prep Classroom Teacher